Department of Neuroscience, Developmental and Regenerative Biology

Mission Statement

The mission of the Department of Neuroscience, Developmental and Regenerative Biology is to conduct high impact, internationally recognized research and to educate and train the next generation of leaders in biological sciences. As a department of neuroscientists and developmental and regenerative biologists, we focus on understanding organismal, tissue, and cellular function from molecules to behavior in health and disease.

General Information

Faculty and students in the Department of Neuroscience, Developmental and Regenerative Biology study key questions relating to how the brain works in normal and disease states (neuroscience) and how cells and tissues are formedmaintainedand repaired (developmental and regenerative sciences). Collectively and collaboratively, we seek to learn, investigate, and communicate knowledge in these fieldsOur diverse and recognized faculty and state-of-the-art laboratory facilities provide students with opportunities for personal interaction, mentorship, and undergraduate research projects.  


Neuroscience research at UTSA is interdisciplinary and explores neural function from molecules to cells to neural networks to behaviorStudents will find a highly collaborative atmosphere across the departmentOur neuroscience laboratories employ behavioral, cellular, computational, developmental, and molecular approaches to answer questions associated with neural function. Many of our faculty are leading investigators attempting to understand debilitating brain diseases, including Alzheimer’s Disease, Parkinson’s Disease, and Epilepsy. Students also can participate in various neuroscience-related activities supported by the UTSA Neurosciences Institute and UTSA’s Brain Health Consortium, including weekly seminars and special seminar programsUndergraduate study in the neurosciences is directly supported through a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Neuroscience degree and Minor in Neuroscience. 

Developmental and Regenerative Sciences 

Faculty and students in the areas of Developmental and Regenerative Sciences study a wide range of questions relating to stem cells, cancer and cell cycle regulation, tissue regeneration, epigenetic regulation of cell fate and function, gene expression, fertility, and "Disease-in-a-Dish" models, including “organoid” systems. State-of-the-art technologies include genomics, epigenomics, proteomics, cell sorting, and cell imaging. A wide range of lecture and laboratory courses are available to undergraduate students in Developmental and Regenerative Biology, along with opportunities for seminar classes, independent study, and directed research. Many of our faculty and students are associated with UTSA’s Institute of Regenerative Medicine, a joint collaborative initiative between UTSA’s Klesse College of Engineering and Integrated Design and the College of Sciences, and multiple research institutions in San Antonio. Undergraduate students with interests in Developmental and Regenerative Biology are encouraged to attend a weekly Developmental and Regenerative seminar series that frequently highlights research in this area. 

Program Outcomes

The Department of Neuroscience, Developmental and Regenerative Biology programs provide students the opportunity to:

  • Communicate across the biological, psychological, and computational sciences.
  • Identify and explain fundamental concepts in molecular neuroscience, cellular neurophysiology and signaling, neuroanatomy, neural information processing, and behavior.
  • Develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use judgment to draw conclusions.


The Department of Neuroscience, Developmental and Regenerative Biology offers a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Neuroscience, a Minor in Neuroscience, and a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Biology - Developmental and Regenerative Sciences Concentration.

Neuroscience is the interdisciplinary study of the nervous system across various levels—from molecules to cells, through circuits and behavior. Neuroscience represents a unique academic field, requiring students to understand and utilize a diverse knowledge base across multiple disciplines. The Department of Neuroscience, Developmental and Regenerative Biology offers a B.S. degree in Neuroscience and a Minor in Neuroscience for an interdisciplinary undergraduate experience for students interested in how the brain works.

The B.S. Degree in Neuroscience curriculum is conceptually structured around i) an interdisciplinary foundation in the biological, psychological, and computational sciences; ii) a broad scope of electives for students to individualize their degree or pursue one of three neuroscience concentrations (Behavioral, Molecular, and Pre-medical); and iii) opportunities for research/practical experience. At its foundation, all students will take an introductory course in Neuroscience (NDRB 2113), Biology (BIO 1203), and Psychology (PSY 1013). In subsequent years all students will take an upper-division class and laboratory in Neurobiology. Their first two years will also include a strong set of required courses in the sciences, math, and statistics. The remaining two years of the program are designed for the student to explore neuroscience across a wide range of disciplines, along with free electives, allowing for maximum flexibility in their chosen program of study.  The B.S. in Neuroscience degree prepares students for careers in neuroscience-related fields, graduate-level study in master's and doctoral-level programs, and medical and dental school. Because of the broad training afforded by this program, graduates may find employment in many industries, including companies or government agencies associated with public health, biomedical engineering, education, psychology, and research.

The Minor in Neuroscience provides formal recognition for students who have focused a significant portion of their academic work in the interdisciplinary area of neuroscience. The minor can accommodate majors from all other departments.

The B.S. Degree in Biology with a Concentration in Developmental and Regenerative Sciences is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the fundamental principles and mechanisms underlying the growth and development of organisms, as well as the processes involved in tissue regeneration and repair. This interdisciplinary program draws on concepts from biology, genetics, epigenetics, molecular biology, biochemistry, and other related fields to explore the molecular, cellular, and physiological mechanisms that govern these processes. Students in this program will study a broad range of topics, including embryonic development, cell differentiation, organogenesis, tissue homeostasis, and wound healing. They will also explore the use of stem cells as models for studies of development and in conjunction with other regenerative therapies for the treatment of diseases and injuries. Throughout the program, students will have the opportunity to engage in hands-on laboratory research, developing their skills in experimental design, data analysis, and scientific communication. In addition, students will develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills, which are essential for success in a wide range of career paths, including biomedical research, biotechnology, and healthcare. Graduates of this program will be well-prepared for further study in graduate programs in developmental and regenerative biology, as well as for careers in academic research, biotechnology, military health, clinical research, and other related fields.

Student Success

The Department and Faculty supporting the B.S. in Neuroscience and Minor in Neuroscience, and B.S. in Biology with a Concentration in Developmental and Regenerative Sciences, are committed to championing and developing the next generation of Neuroscience, Developmental and Regenerative Sciences students at UTSA through multiple avenues of engagement and academic support. In addition to an innovative academic program, opportunities for participation in cutting-edge research, a vibrant “student-life”, and strong priorities of inclusion will foster student accomplishment within prestigious programs of study.

Health Careers Pathways

The Department of Neuroscience, Developmental and Regenerative Biology offers programs that support students interested in pursuing professional or graduate programs (e.g., medical, dental) in health-related professions through the Pre-Medical Neuroscience concentration in the B.S. Neuroscience degree. See the Degrees page for more information. Students can also visit the UTSA Health Professions office for more information.

COS Signature Experiences in Neuroscience, Developmental and Regenerative Biology

The Department of Neuroscience, Developmental and Regenerative Biology offers experiential learning opportunities for undergraduate students in which they can gain real-world experiences while also learning about the broader impacts of their work within their fields of study. All undergraduate students have the option to participate in a College of Sciences (COS) Signature Experience. Students should contact the Undergraduate Advisor of Record for the Neuroscience major for a list of relevant signature experiences.

Bachelor of Science Degree in Neuroscience

The B.S. in Neuroscience is an interdisciplinary degree that will provide students the opportunity to pursue an integrated course of study in Neuroscience. Neuroscience represents a unique academic field in that it requires students to understand and utilize a set of diverse knowledge from multiple disciplines. Neuroscience impacts almost all areas of science and business, and this degree is intended to prepare students for a wide range of careers in this area. 

A minimum number of 120 semester credit hours is required for the B.S. in Neuroscience, including 42 hours of Core Curriculum requirements. At least 39 of the total semester credit hours required for the degree must be at the upper-division level.

All major and support work courses and required prerequisites must be completed with a grade of “C-” or better.

Core Curriculum Requirements (42 semester credit hours)

Students seeking the B.S. degree in Neuroscience must fulfill University Core Curriculum requirements in the same manner as other students. The courses listed below satisfy both degree requirements and Core Curriculum requirements; however, if these courses are taken to satisfy both requirements, then students may need to take additional courses in order to meet the minimum number of semester credit hours required for this degree.

MAT 1193 may be used to satisfy the core requirement in Mathematics as well as a major requirement.

PSY 1013 may be used to satisfy the core requirement in Social and Behavioral Sciences as well as a major requirement.

BIO 1203 & PHY 1943 may be used to satisfy the core requirement in Life and Physical Sciences as well as major requirements.

CS 1173 may be used to satisfy the core requirement in Component Area Option as well as a major requirement.

For a complete listing of courses that satisfy the Core Curriculum requirements, see Core Curriculum Component Area Requirements.

Core Curriculum Component Area Requirements

First Year Experience Requirement (3 semester credit hours)

All students must complete one of the following courses, for a total of 3 semester credit hours:

AIS 1203Academic Introduction and Strategies (core component area 090)3
AIS 1213AIS: Architecture, Construction, and Planning (core component area 090)3
AIS 1223AIS: Arts and Humanities (core component area 090)3
AIS 1233AIS: Business (core component area 090)3
AIS 1243AIS: Engineering, Mathematics, and Sciences (core component area 090)3
AIS 1253AIS: Interdisciplinary Education (core component area 090)3
AIS 1263AIS: Life and Health Sciences (core component area 090)3
AIS 1273AIS: Social Sciences and Public Policy (core component area 090)3

Communication (6 semester credit hours)

Students must complete the following courses, for a total of 6 semester credit hours:

WRC 1013Freshman Composition I (TCCN: ENGL 1301)3
WRC 1023Freshman Composition II (TCCN: ENGL 1302)3

Mathematics (3 semester credit hours)

Students must complete one of the following courses, for a total of 3 semester credit hours:

CS 1173Data Analysis and Visualization3
MAT 1023College Algebra with Applications (TCCN: MATH 1314)3
MAT 1043Quantitative Reasoning (TCCN: MATH 1332)3
MAT 1053Mathematics for Business (TCCN: MATH 1324)3
MAT 1073Algebra for Scientists and Engineers (TCCN: MATH 1314)3
MAT 1093Precalculus (TCCN: MATH 2312)3
MAT 1133Calculus for Business (TCCN: MATH 1325)3
MAT 1193Calculus for the Biosciences (TCCN: MATH 2313)3
MAT 1213Calculus I (TCCN: MATH 2313)3
STA 1053Basic Statistics (TCCN: MATH 1342)3

Life and Physical Sciences (6 semester credit hours)

Students must complete two of the following courses for a total of 6 semester credit hours:

ANT 2033Introduction to Biological Anthropology (TCCN: ANTH 2301)3
AST 1013Introduction to Astronomy (TCCN: ASTR 1303)3
AST 1033Exploration of the Solar System (TCCN: ASTR 1304)3
BIO 1203Biosciences I for Science Majors (TCCN: BIOL 1306)3
BIO 1223Biosciences II for Science Majors (TCCN: BIOL 1307)3
BIO 1233Contemporary Biology I (TCCN: BIOL 1308)3
BIO 1243Contemporary Biology II (TCCN: BIOL 1309)3
CHE 1083Introduction to the Molecular Structure of Matter3
CHE 1093Introduction to Molecular Transformations3
ES 1113Environmental Botany (TCCN: BIOL 1311)3
ES 1123Environmental Zoology (TCCN: BIOL 1313)3
ES 1213Environmental Geology (TCCN: GEOL 1305)3
ES 2013Introduction to Environmental Science I (TCCN: ENVR 1301)3
ES 2023Introduction to Environmental Science II (TCCN: ENVR 1302)3
GEO 1013The Third Planet (TCCN: GEOL 1301)3
GEO 1033Geology of North American National Parks (TCCN: GEOL 1302)3
GEO 1123Life Through Time (TCCN: GEOL 1304)3
GES 2613Intro to Physical Geography (TCCN: GEOG 1301)3
NDT 2043Introduction to Nutritional Sciences3
PHY 1943Physics for Scientists and Engineers I (TCCN: PHYS 2325)3
PHY 1963Physics for Scientists and Engineers II (TCCN: PHYS 2326)3

Language, Philosophy and Culture (3 semester credit hours)

Students must complete one of the following courses, for a total of 3 semester credit hours:

AAS 2013Introduction to African American Studies3
AAS 2113African American Culture, Leadership and Social Issues3
ANT 2063Language, Thought, and Culture3
ARC 1113Introduction to the Built Environment (TCCN: ARCH 1311)3
ARC 2423History of Architecture II (TCCN: ARCH 1302)3
CHN 1014Elementary Chinese I (TCCN: CHIN 1411)4
CLA 2013Introduction to Ancient Greece3
CLA 2023Introduction to Ancient Rome3
CLA 2323Classical Mythology3
COM 2313Introduction to Media Studies3
CSH 1103Literary Masterpieces of Western Culture I (TCCN: ENGL 2332)3
CSH 1113Literary Masterpieces of Western Culture II (TCCN: ENGL 2333)3
CSH 1213Topics in World Cultures (TCCN: HUMA 2323)3
CSH 2113The Foreign Film3
ENG 2013Introduction to Literature (TCCN: ENGL 2341)3
ENG 2023Literature and Film3
ENG 2213Literary Criticism and Analysis3
ENG 2383Multiethnic Literatures of the United States3
ENG 2423Literature of Texas and the Southwest3
ENG 2443Persuasion and Rhetoric3
FRN 1014Elementary French I (TCCN: FREN 1411)4
FRN 2333French Literature in English Translation3
GER 1014Elementary German I (TCCN: GERM 1411)4
GER 2333German Literature in English Translation3
GES 1023World Regions & Global Change (TCCN: GEOG 1303)3
GLA 1013US in Global Context3
GRK 1114Introductory Classical Greek I4
HIS 2123Introduction to World Civilization to the Fifteenth Century (TCCN: HIST 2321)3
HIS 2133Introduction to World Civilization since the Fifteenth Century (TCCN: HIST 2322)3
HIS 2533Introduction to Latin American Civilization3
HIS 2543Introduction to Islamic Civilization3
HIS 2553Introduction to East Asian Civilization3
HIS 2573Introduction to African Civilization3
HIS 2583Introduction to South Asian Civilization3
HUM 2093World Religions (TCCN: PHIL 1304)3
ITL 1014Elementary Italian I (TCCN: ITAL 1411)4
ITL 2333Italian Literature in English Translation3
JPN 1014Elementary Japanese I (TCCN: JAPN 1411)4
LAT 1114Introductory Latin I (TCCN: LATI 1411)4
MAS 2013Introduction to Chicana/x/o Studies (TCCN: HUMA 1305)3
PHI 1043Critical Thinking (TCCN: PHIL 2303)3
PHI 2013Basic Philosophical Problems (TCCN: PHIL 1301)3
PHI 2023Introduction to Ancient Philosophy (TCCN: PHIL 2316)3
PHI 2033Introduction to Early Modern Philosophy3
PHI 2093Philosophy of The Americas3
PHI 2123Contemporary Moral Issues3
RUS 1014Elementary Russian I (TCCN: RUSS 1411)4
RUS 2333Russian Literature in English Translation3
SPN 1014Elementary Spanish I (TCCN: SPAN 1411)4
SPN 2333Hispanic Literature in English Translation3
WGSS 2013Introduction to Women’s Studies3
WGSS 2023Introduction to LGBTQ Studies3

Creative Arts (3 semester credit hours)

Students must complete one of the following courses, for a total of 3 semester credit hours:

AHC 1113Art History: Prehistory-1350 (TCCN: ARTS 1303)3
AHC 1123Art History: 1350-Present (TCCN: ARTS 1304)3
ARC 1513Great Buildings and Cities of the World3
ARC 2413History of Architecture I (TCCN: ARCH 1301)3
ART 1103Introduction to Visual Arts (TCCN: ARTS 1301)3
ART 1113Image Culture3
BBL 2023Latino Cultural Expressions (TCCN: HUMA 1311)3
CLA 2033Introduction to Classical Literature3
DAN 2003Introduction to Dance (TCCN: DANC 2303)3
HUM 2023Introduction to the Humanities I (TCCN: HUMA 1301)3
HUM 2033Introduction to the Humanities II (TCCN: HUMA 1302)3
HUM 2053History of Film (TCCN: HUMA 1315)3
MAS 2023Latina/x/o Cultural Expressions (TCCN: HUMA 1311)3
MUS 2243World Music in Society3
MUS 2633American Roots Music (TCCN: MUSI 1310)3
MUS 2653Music in Culture3
MUS 2663History and Styles of Jazz (TCCN: MUSI 1310)3
MUS 2673History and Styles of Popular Music (TCCN: MUSI 1310)3
MUS 2683History and Styles of Western Art Music (TCCN: MUSI 1306)3
MUS 2713History of Recorded Music3
MUS 2733History of the American Musical Theater3
MUS 2743Music and Film3
PHI 2073Philosophy of Art3

American History (6 semester credit hours)

Students must complete two of the following courses, for a total of 6 semester credit hours:

HIS 1043United States History: Pre-Columbus to Civil War Era (TCCN: HIST 1301)3
HIS 1053United States History: Civil War Era to Present (TCCN: HIST 1302)3
HIS 2053Texas History (TCCN: HIST 2301)3

Government-Political Science (6 semester credit hours)

Students must complete two of the following courses, for a total of 6 semester credit hours:

POL 1013Introduction to American Politics (TCCN: GOVT 2305)3
and one of the following two courses:
POL 1133Texas Politics and Society (TCCN: GOVT 2306)3
POL 1213Civil Rights in Texas and America (TCCN: GOVT 2306)3

Social and Behavioral Sciences (3 semester credit hours)

Students must complete one of the following courses, for a total of 3 semester credit hours:

AMS 2043Approaches to American Culture3
ANT 1013Introduction to Anthropology (TCCN: ANTH 2346)3
ANT 2043Introduction to Archaeology (TCCN: ANTH 2302)3
ANT 2053Introduction to Cultural Anthropology (TCCN: ANTH 2351)3
BBL 2003Language, Culture, and Society (TCCN: ANTH 2351)3
BBL 2243Bilingual Families, Communities, and Schools: National and Transnational Experiences (TCCN: ANTH 2351)3
CRJ 1113The American Criminal Justice System (TCCN: CRIJ 1301)3
ECO 2003Economic Principles and Issues (TCCN: ECON 1301)3
ECO 2023Introductory Microeconomics (TCCN: ECON 2302)3
EGR 1343The Impact of Modern Technologies on Society3
ES 1003Survey Topics in Environmental Studies3
GES 1013Fundamentals of Geography3
GES 2623Human Geography: People, Place, Culture (TCCN: GEOG 1302)3
HTH 2413Introduction to Community and Public Health3
HTH 2513Personal Health (TCCN: PHED 1304)3
IDS 2113Society and Social Issues3
KIN 2123Exercise as Medicine (TCCN: KINE 1338)3
NDRB 1033Drugs and Society (TCCN: PHED 1346)3
PSY 1013Introduction to Psychology (TCCN: PSYC 2301)3
REGS 2003Intersectional Approaches to Social Justice3
SOC 1013Introduction to Sociology (TCCN: SOCI 1301)3
SOC 2013Social Problems (TCCN: SOCI 1306)3
SOC 2023Social Context of Drug Use (TCCN: SOCI 2340)3
SWK 1013Introduction to Social Work3

Component Area Option (CAO) (3 semester credit hours)

Students must complete either one of the following courses or any additional Core Curriculum course not previously used to satisfy a core component area requirement, for a total of 3 semester credit hours:

COM 2113Public Speaking (core component area 091, TCCN: SPCH 1315)3
EGR 1403Technical Communication (core component area 091)3
ENG 2413Technical Writing (core component area 091, TCCN: ENGL 2311)3
PAD 1113Public Administration and Policy in American Society (core component area 097)3
PHI 2043Introductory Logic (core component area 092, TCCN: PHIL 2303)3
Core Curriculum Component Area Requirements
First Year Experience Requirement 3
Communication 6
Mathematics 3
Life and Physical Sciences 6
Language, Philosophy and Culture 3
Creative Arts 3
American History 6
Government-Political Science 6
Social and Behavioral Sciences 3
Component Area Option 3
Total Credit Hours 42

Degree Requirements

A. Foundation Courses
1. Required Biology Courses
BIO 1203Biosciences I for Science Majors3
BIO 1201Biosciences I Laboratory for Science Majors1
BIO 2313Genetics3
2. Neuroscience required courses
NDRB 2113Introduction to Neuroscience3
NDRB 3433Neurobiology3
NDRB 3442Neurobiology Laboratory2
PSY 1013Introduction to Psychology3
3. Math requirement
MAT 1193Calculus for the Biosciences3
4. Data Analysis - pick one of the following3
Introduction to Computational Biology
Introduction to Computer Programming I
Data Analysis and Visualization
Introduction to Data Science
Programming for Data Science
5. Chemistry Requirements
CHE 1103General Chemistry I3
CHE 1121General Chemistry I Laboratory1
CHE 1113General Chemistry II3
CHE 1131General Chemistry II Laboratory1
6. Statistics 3
Probability and Statistics for the Biosciences
Statistics for Psychology
7. Physics. Select from one of the following options:4
Option 1
Algebra-based Physics I
Algebra-based Physics I Laboratory
Option 2
Physics for Scientists and Engineers I
Physics for Scientists and Engineers I Laboratory
B. Support Courses
1. Neuroscience. Select seven of the following:21
Neuroscience and Our Future
Brain Diseases
Space and Time in the Brain
Brain and Behavior
Developmental Neuroscience
Emergent Properties of Neural Circuits
Neural Data Science
Computational Neuroscience
Cognitive Neuroscience
Cognitive Neuroscience
Independent Study (must be neuroscience-related topic)
Laboratory Research (must be neuroscience-related topic)
Special Studies
2. Additional Electives. Select four of the following:12
Courses not taken in B.1 (above) can be taken as Additional Electives
Advanced Computational Biology
Cell Biology
Molecular Biology
Lifespan Developmental Psychology
Introduction to Psychopathology
Cognitive Psychology
Sensation and Perception
Experimental Psychology
Psychology of Health
Statistical Methods and Applications
Applied Multivariate Analysis
Music in Health
Philosophy of Science
Philosophy of Mind
Biomedical Ethics
C. Free Electives
Select 12-21 semester credit hours of free electives, depending on the student's choice of Core Courses, to complete 120 hours, including a minimum requirement of 39 upper-division semester credit hours.12-21
Total Credit Hours84-93


The Department of Neuroscience, Developmental and Regenerative Biology, within the B.S. in Neuroscience degree, offers three areas of concentration. To declare a concentration or obtain advice, students should consult an undergraduate academic advisor in the Life and Health Sciences Advising Center. To receive credit for a concentration, students must successfully complete all requirements for the B.S. degree, along with the requirements for the respective concentration. Students who do not successfully complete all courses of a given concentration area will receive a standard B.S. degree in Neuroscience.  

Concentration in Behavioral Neuroscience

The coursework within the Behavioral Neuroscience concentration must be completed with a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or better. Students are also encouraged to enroll in NDRB 4923 Laboratory Research as part of their program of study. All candidates for the concentration in Behavioral Neuroscience must complete the following:

NDRB 3613Brain and Behavior3
Select three of the following:9
Emergent Properties of Neural Circuits
Cognitive Neuroscience
Laboratory Research
Sensation and Perception
Experimental Psychology
Cognitive Psychology
Total Credit Hours12

Concentration in Molecular Neuroscience

The coursework within the Molecular Neuroscience concentration must be completed with a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or better. Students are also encouraged to enroll in NDRB 4923 Laboratory Research as part of their program of study. All candidates for the concentration in Molecular Neuroscience must complete the following:

NDRB 3913Molecular Biology3
Select three of the following:
Cell Biology
Developmental Biology
Genomics and Bioinformatics
Developmental Neuroscience
Laboratory Research
General Physiology
Total Credit Hours12

Concentration in Pre-Medical Neuroscience

The B.S. degree in Neuroscience with a concentration in Pre-Medical Neuroscience is designed to prepare students for professional programs in medicine. This concentration has a recommended curriculum that is designed to meet the requirements for entry to medical school and to prepare students for the MCAT examination. For completion of the Pre-Medical Neuroscience Concentration, students must have both an overall math/science GPA of 3.5 or higher and complete all required coursework within the concentration with a minimum GPA of 3.5 or higher. All candidates for the concentration in Pre-Medical Neuroscience must complete the following: 

BIO 1223Biosciences II for Science Majors3
CHE 2603Organic Chemistry I3
CHE 2612Organic Chemistry I Laboratory2
CHE 3643Organic Chemistry II3
BCH 3303Essentials of Biochemistry3
Select one of the two Physics options:4
Option 1
Algebra-based Physics II
Algebra-based Physics II Laboratory
Option 2
Physics for Scientists and Engineers II
Physics for Scientists and Engineers II Laboratory
Total Credit Hours18

Course Sequence Guide for the B.S. in Neuroscience Degree

Plan of Study Grid
First Year
FallCredit Hours
AIS 1263 AIS: Life and Health Sciences 3
BIO 1203
BIO 1201
Biosciences I for Science Majors
and Biosciences I Laboratory for Science Majors (core and major)
WRC 1013 Freshman Composition I (core) 3
MAT 1193 Calculus for the Biosciences 3
 Credit Hours13
PSY 1013 Introduction to Psychology (core and major) 3
NDRB 2113 Introduction to Neuroscience 3
CHE 1103 General Chemistry I 3
CHE 1121 General Chemistry I Laboratory 1
WRC 1023 Freshman Composition II (core) 3
STA 1403 Probability and Statistics for the Biosciences 3
 Credit Hours16
Second Year
BIO 2313 Genetics 3
PHY 1943 Physics for Scientists and Engineers I (core) 3
PHY 1951 Physics for Scientists and Engineers I Laboratory 1
POL 1013 Introduction to American Politics (core) 3
CHE 1113 General Chemistry II 3
CHE 1131 General Chemistry II Laboratory 1
 Credit Hours14
CS 1173 Data Analysis and Visualization 3
NDRB 3433 Neurobiology 3
NDRB 3442 Neurobiology Laboratory 2
American History (core) 3
Language, Philosophy & Culture (core) 3
Additional Neuroscience Elective (B.2) 3
 Credit Hours17
Third Year
POL 1133 Texas Politics and Society (core) 3
Neuroscience Support Course (B.1) 3
Neuroscience Support Course (B.1) 3
Additional Neuroscience Elective (B.2) 3
Elective 3
 Credit Hours15
American History (core) 3
Neuroscience Support Course (B.1) 3
Neuroscience Support Course (B.1) 3
Additional Neuroscience Elective (B.2) 3
Elective 3
 Credit Hours15
Fourth Year
Creative Arts (core) 3
Neuroscience Support Course (B.1) 3
Neuroscience Support Course (B.1) 3
Additional Neuroscience Elective (B.2) 3
Elective 3
 Credit Hours15
Neuroscience Support Course (B.1) 3
Neuroscience Support Course (B.1) 3
Elective 3
Elective 3
Elective 3
 Credit Hours15
 Total Credit Hours120

B.S. in Biology with a Concentration in Developmental and Regenerative Sciences

The B.S. in Biology with a Concentration in Developmental and Regenerative Sciences (DRS) is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the fundamental principles and mechanisms underlying the growth and development of organisms and the processes involved in tissue regeneration and repair. The B.S. in Biology with a Concentration in Developmental and Regenerative Sciences (DRS) is housed in the Department of Neuroscience, Developmental and Regenerative Biology. The coursework within the DRS Concentration must be completed with a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or better. Students are also encouraged to enroll in NDRB 4923 as part of their program of study. Students should plan on taking courses for this concentration in their third and fourth years.

See the Department of Integrative Biology for more information about the B.S. in Biology degree.

All candidates for the concentration in Developmental and Regenerative Sciences must complete the following:

NDRB 3913Molecular Biology3
NDRB 4132Developmental Biology Laboratory 2
NDRB 4143Developmental Biology3
Select two of the following:6
Human Embryology
Principles of Cancer Biology
Frontiers in Human Pluripotent Stem Cells
Genomics and Bioinformatics
Developmental Neuroscience
Independent Study (must be DRS-related topic)
Laboratory Research (must be performed in a laboratory engaged in DRS-based research)
Special Studies (must be DRS-related topic)
Directed Research (must be DRS-based research)
Total Credit Hours14

Minor in Neuroscience 

The Minor in Neuroscience is open to all majors in the University. To declare a Minor in Neuroscience or obtain advice, students should consult with their academic advisor. All students pursuing the minor must complete a minimum of 18 semester credit hours of neuroscience courses. It should be noted that students seeking a minor must also complete applicable support coursework in biology, chemistry, computer science, physics, mathematics, and statistics, as needed to fulfill the normal prerequisites for any course listed below. All neuroscience courses and their prerequisites must be completed with a grade of “C-” or better, and students must achieve a grade point average of at least 2.0 on all work used to satisfy the requirements of the minor. 

A. Required Courses12
Biosciences I for Science Majors
Biosciences I Laboratory for Science Majors
Introduction to Neuroscience
Neurobiology Laboratory
B. Organized Neuroscience Courses (select 6 credit hours from the following)6
Neuroscience and Our Future
Brain Diseases
Space and Time in the Brain
Brain and Behavior
Developmental Neuroscience
Emergent Properties of Neural Circuits
Neural Data Science
Computational Neuroscience
Cognitive Neuroscience
Cognitive Neuroscience
Laboratory Research
Total Credit Hours18

Neuroscience, Developmental and Regenerative Biology (NDRB) Courses

NDRB 1033. Drugs and Society. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.

An examination of licit and illicit drugs and their biosocial effects. Topics include the pharmacology of alcohol, stimulants, hallucinogens, addiction, and abuse. May be applied toward the Core Curriculum requirement in Social and Behavioral Sciences. Formerly BIO 1033. Credit cannot be earned for both NDRB 1033 and BIO 1033. Generally offered: Fall, Spring. Course Fee: LRC1 $12; LRS1 $46.20; STSI $21.60.

NDRB 2113. Introduction to Neuroscience. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: BIO 1203. An introduction to the interdisciplinary field of Neuroscience, including understanding of the foundations of brain function, behavior, and neurological diseases from molecular, neuroanatomical, neurophysiological, neurochemical, and behavioral points of view. Generally offered: Fall, Spring. Course Fee: LRS1 $46.20; IUB1 $10.

NDRB 2952. Undergraduate Research Experience. (1-3) 2 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: BIO 1203 and BIO 1201 with a grade of at least a 'B-'. Organized laboratory for students to obtain an introduction to research in neuroscience, developmental or regenerative biology, paralleling ongoing research activities in faculty research labs. Students will have the opportunity to be trained in laboratory techniques such as electrophysiology, cell culture, computational neuroscience, fluorescence microscopy, or bioinformatics. Topics will also include an experimental design and interpretation of results. Topics will vary by semester, course section, and instructor. May be repeated for credit, but no more than 4 semester credit hours will apply to a bachelor’s degree. Generally offered: Fall and Spring. Course Fee: L001 $30; IUB1 $10; DL01 $50; LRS1 $30.8; STSI $14.4.

NDRB 3433. Neurobiology. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: NDRB 2113. Anatomy and physiology of nervous systems and the mechanisms of neuronal functions. (Formerly BIO 3433. Credit cannot be earned for both NDRB 3433 and BIO 3433.) Generally offered: Fall, Spring. This course has Differential Tuition. Course fee: IUB1 $10.

NDRB 3442. Neurobiology Laboratory. (0-6) 2 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: NDRB 2113 and completion of or concurrent enrollment in NDRB 3433. A laboratory course emphasizing principles presented in NDRB 3433. (Formerly BIO 3442. Credit cannot be earned for both NDRB 3442 and BIO 3442.) Generally offered: Fall, Spring. This course has Differential Tuition. Course Fee: IUB1 $10; L001 $30.

NDRB 3453. Neuroscience and Our Future. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: NDRB 2113. A discussion of the implications of recent Neuroscience discoveries. Students will use available literature and their own powers of reason to separate fact from fantasy and determine what future applications of Neuroscience may be possible. (Formerly BIO 3453. Credit cannot be earned for both NDRB 3453 and BIO 3453.) Generally offered: Spring. This course has Differential Tuition. Course Fee: IUB1 $10.

NDRB 3463. Brain Diseases. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: NDRB 2113. A study of selected major brain diseases and neurological disorders, their underlying causes and treatments, and an emphasis on molecular mechanisms. Generally offered: Fall. This course has Differential Tuition. Course Fee: IUB1 $10.

NDRB 3563. Space and Time in the Brain. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: NDRB 2113 or equivalent. The course centers on brain regions and circuits involved in spatial navigation and memory, focusing on the various types of spatial cells found in the hippocampus and related areas. The topic is at the intersection of neurophysiology and cognitive science, encompassing experimental observations, possible neuronal mechanisms, neuroscience concepts, and open questions. Classes will alternate between traditional lectures and guided discussions of research articles. Generally offered: Fall. This course has Differential Tuition. Course Fee: IUB1 $10.

NDRB 3613. Brain and Behavior. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: NDRB 2113. This course explores the brain basis of behavior with a focus on understanding the neurophysiological, neurochemical, and neuroanatomical underpinnings for a variety of simple and complex behaviors. Students will have the opportunity to explore topics such as sensation and perception, pain, movement, sleep, biological rhythms, emotion, addiction, learning and memory, and neurodevelopment. The topics are grounded with examples of typical human behavior and disorders such as Parkinson’s disease, Autism, Schizophrenia, and psychopathology. (Formerly NDRB 4813 and BIO 4813. Same as PSY 4183. Credit can only be earned for one of the following: NDRB 3613, NDRB 4813, BIO 4813, or PSY 4183.) Generally offered: Fall. This course has Differential Tuition. Course Fee: IUB1 $10.

NDRB 3623. Neuropsychopharmacology. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: NDRB 3433. A study of the pharmacology of drugs that affect the function of the central nervous system. Topics include drug-receptor interactions, drugs of abuse, and drugs used to treat mental illness. (Formerly BIO 3623. Credit cannot be earned for both NDRB 3623 and BIO 3623.) Generally offered: Fall. This course has Differential Tuition. Course Fee: IUB1 $10.

NDRB 3663. Human Embryology. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: BIO 2313. Development of the human embryo from fertilization to the birth of the fetus. The origin of various tissues and organs will be followed during development. Environmental and genetic factors that can alter development will be discussed. (Formerly BIO 3663. Credit cannot be earned for both NDRB 3663 and BIO 3663.) Generally offered: Fall. This course has Differential Tuition. Course Fee: IUB1 $10.

NDRB 3813. Cell Biology. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: BIO 2313; prior completion of BCH 2903, BCH 3303, or BCH 3313 is recommended. A study of cellular molecules and metabolic processes, synthesis and regulation of macromolecules, differential gene expression, membranes and organelles, cytoskeleton, cell cycle, and growth of normal and neoplastic cells. (Formerly BIO 3813. Credit cannot be earned for both NDRB 3813 and BIO 3813 or BME 3114.) Generally offered: Fall, Spring, Summer. This course has Differential Tuition. Course Fee: IUB1 $10; DL01 $75.

NDRB 3913. Molecular Biology. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: BIO 2313; prior completion of BCH 2903, BCH 3303, or BCH 3313 is recommended. A study of nucleotides, DNA, replication, recombination, RNA, transcription, genetic code, translation, genomes, and chromosomes. (Formerly BIO 3913. Credit cannot be earned for both NDRB 3913 and BIO 3913.) Generally offered: Fall, Spring. This course has Differential Tuition. Course Fee: IUB1 $10.

NDRB 3993. Principles of Cancer Biology. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: BIO 1203. A broad introduction to mechanisms that produce oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes. Methodologies of cancer assessment and prevention will be reviewed. (Formerly BIO 3933. Credit cannot be earned for both NDRB 3993 and BIO 3933.) Generally offered: Fall, Spring. This course has Differential Tuition. Course Fee: IUB1 $10.

NDRB 4132. Developmental Biology Laboratory. (0-6) 2 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in NDRB 4143. Students will have the opportunity to explore the intricate processes of embryonic development in a hands-on, hypothesis-based laboratory setting. A variety of experimental techniques will be employed to investigate different aspects of developmental biology, including live imaging of embryonic development and genetic analysis of developmental pathways using model organisms. Through these laboratory exercises, students will have the opportunity to gain practical skills in experimental design, data analysis, and scientific communication. Generally offered: Fall. This course has Differential Tuition. Course Fee: IUB1 $10; L001 $30.

NDRB 4143. Developmental Biology. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: BIO 2313; prior completion of NDRB 3813 is recommended. How does a newly fertilized egg cell develop all the organs to make an adult? How are these principles applied during tissue regeneration? This course will cover the foundational concepts and emerging technologies in the study of developmental biology. Subjects include cell differentiation, pattern formation, morphogenesis, organogenesis, and post-embryonic tissue homeostasis. (Formerly BIO 4143. Credit cannot be earned for both NDRB 4143 and BIO 4143.) Generally offered: Fall. This course has Differential Tuition. Course Fee: IUB1 $10.

NDRB 4153. Frontiers in Human Pluripotent Stem Cells. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: BIO 2313; prior completion of NDRB 3813 is recommended. The course covers interrelated topics such as pluripotency, cell fate specification, differentiation, patterning, organogenesis, morphogenesis, regeneration, and tissue engineering with an emphasis on human pluripotent stem cells and translational applications/emerging technologies related to regenerative medicine such as CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing and 3D organoids. Generally offered: Spring. This course has Differential Tuition. Course Fee: IUB1 $10.

NDRB 4163. Epigenetics. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: NDRB 3913; prior completion of BCH 2903, BCH 3303, or BCH 3313 is recommended. An exploration of heritable changes in gene expression that occur without alteration to the underlying DNA sequence. This course will introduce fundamental concepts of gene regulation by DNA methylation, histone modifications, chromatin remodeling, and non-coding RNA regulation. Specific topics will include the role of epigenetic regulation in development, chromosome inactivation, and chromatin dysfunction in cancer. Classical and emerging technologies used in chromatin biology and epigenetics will be covered. Generally offered: Spring. This course has Differential Tuition. Course Fee: IUB1 $10.

NDRB 4173. Genomics and Bioinformatics. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: NDRB 3913 and STA 1403. An introduction to the use of computational tools to analyze and interpret biological data from eukaryotic organisms, including genomic, transcriptomic, proteomic, and metabolomic data. Students will have the opportunity to learn how to use publicly available bioinformatics databases, including Sequence Read Archive, Gene Expression Omnibus, gnomAD, and Encode data, and tools to analyze and interpret these data types, including UCSC genome and table browser. Topics may include protein and nucleic acids sequence alignment, gene prediction, functional annotation, comparative genomics, genome organization, and gene expression analysis, as well as emerging technologies used in chromatin biology and epigenetics. Generally offered: Spring. This course has Differential Tuition. Course Fee: IUB1 $10.

NDRB 4483. Developmental Neuroscience. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: NDRB 3813 and NDRB 3433, or consent of instructor. A comparative developmental approach will be used to understand patterning mechanisms that control formation of the nervous system along the major axes of the body. Other topics include epigenetic mechanisms regulating neuronal plasticity and disease. Generally offered: Fall. This course has Differential Tuition. Course Fee: IUB1 $10.

NDRB 4583. Emergent Properties of Neural Circuits. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: NDRB 3433. An exploration of how interesting and useful functions arise in networks of neurons based on fundamental principles of cellular neurophysiology, neuroanatomy, and neurochemistry. (Formerly BIO 4583. Credit cannot be earned for both NDRB 4583 and BIO 4583.) Generally offered: Spring. This course has Differential Tuition. Course Fee: IUB1 $10.

NDRB 4683. Neural Data Science. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: STA 1403, CS 1063, and NDRB 3433, or equivalents, or consent of instructor. Analysis and interpretation of neurophysiological data, such as spike trains and EEG traces recorded from behaving animals or human subjects. While gaining hands-on computer-programming experience, this course will examine how neuroscientists use data analysis to investigate open questions. Lastly, more advanced “data science” techniques will tackle the complex data sets that arise from innovative brain-machine interfaces. Generally offered: Spring. This course has Differential Tuition. Course Fee: IUB1 $10.

NDRB 4783. Computational Neuroscience. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: MAT 1193 and CS 1063 (or equivalents), and NDRB 2113, or consent of the instructor. An introduction to brain modeling and computational approaches to brain function. Topics include neural coding and the computational properties of neurons and neuronal networks. Generally offered: Fall. This course has Differential Tuition. Course Fee: IUB1 $10.

NDRB 4823. Cognitive Neuroscience. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: NDRB 2113 or PSY 4183, or consent of instructor. This course explores the neurobiological basis of cognition and introduces students to the use of cognitive neuroscience techniques to study the brain basis of complex behavior and cognitive disorders. Topics will focus on human cognition and may include perception, attention, learning, memory, emotion, language, executive function, development and aging. Students will read primary research articles and develop hypothetical experiments within these topic areas. (Formerly BIO 4823. Credit can only be earned for one of the following: NDRB 4823, BIO 4823, or PSY 4343.) Generally offered: Spring. This course has Differential Tuition. Course Fee: IUB1 $10.

NDRB 4911. Independent Study. (0-0) 1 Credit Hour.

Independent reading, research, discussion, and/or writing under the direction of a faculty member. May be repeated for credit, but no more than 6 semester credit hours will apply to a bachelor’s degree, regardless of discipline. Only 6 semester credit hours of NDRB 4911-3, NDRB 4923, and NDRB 4993, in any combination, can be taken as NDRB electives. Additional research hours of these courses (excluding Independent Study) may be taken as free electives, for a maximum of 12 research hours being applied to the bachelor’s degree. Generally offered: Fall, Spring, Summer. This course has Differential Tuition.

NDRB 4912. Independent Study. (0-0) 2 Credit Hours.

Independent reading, research, discussion, and/or writing under the direction of a faculty member. May be repeated for credit, but no more than 6 semester credit hours will apply to a bachelor’s degree, regardless of discipline. Only 6 semester credit hours of NDRB 4911-3, NDRB 4923, and NDRB 4993, in any combination, can be taken as NDRB electives. Additional research hours of these courses (excluding Independent Study) may be taken as free electives, for a maximum of 12 research hours being applied to the bachelor’s degree. Generally offered: Fall, Spring, Summer. This course has Differential Tuition.

NDRB 4913. Independent Study. (0-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Independent reading, research, discussion, and/or writing under the direction of a faculty member. May be repeated for credit, but no more than 6 semester credit hours will apply to a bachelor’s degree, regardless of discipline. Only 6 semester credit hours of NDRB 4911-3, NDRB 4923, and NDRB 4993, in any combination, can be taken as NDRB electives. Additional research hours of these courses (excluding Independent Study) may be taken as free electives, for a maximum of 12 research hours being applied to the bachelor’s degree. Generally offered: Fall, Spring, Summer. This course has Differential Tuition.

NDRB 4923. Laboratory Research. (0-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Supervised laboratory research mentored by a faculty member engaged in active research within the student’s designated area of concentration. May be repeated for credit, but no more than 6 semester credit hours will apply to a bachelor’s degree. Only 6 semester credit hours of NDRB 4911-3, NDRB 4923, and NDRB 4993, in any combination, can be taken as NDRB electives. Additional research hours of these courses (excluding Independent Study) may be taken as free electives, for a maximum of 12 research hours being applied to the bachelor’s degree. Generally offered: Fall, Spring, Summer. This course has Differential Tuition. Course Fee: IUB1 $10.

NDRB 4951. Special Studies. (1-0) 1 Credit Hour.

An organized course offering the opportunity for specialized study not normally or not often available as part of the regular course offerings. Special Studies may be repeated for credit when the topics vary, but no more than 6 semester credit hours will apply to a bachelor’s degree, regardless of discipline. No more than 6 semester credit hours of NDRB 2953, NDRB 4951, or NDRB 4953 can be applied to a B.S. degree in Neuroscience. Generally offered: Fall, Spring, Summer. This course has Differential Tuition.

NDRB 4953. Special Studies. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.

An organized course offering the opportunity for specialized study not normally or not often available as part of the regular course offerings. Special Studies may be repeated for credit when the topics vary, but no more than 6 semester credit hours will apply to a bachelor’s degree, regardless of discipline. No more than 6 semester credit hours of NDRB 2953, NDRB 4951, or NDRB 4953 can be applied to a B.S. degree in Neuroscience. Generally offered: Fall, Spring, Summer. This course has Differential Tuition. Course fee: IUB1 $10.

NDRB 4993. Directed Research. (0-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: Approval from the instructor, the Department Chair, and the Associate Dean of Undergraduate Studies in the College for which this course is offered; form available on the College of Sciences website. Supervised research mentored by a faculty member engaged in active research within the student’s designated area of concentration. Students may produce a thesis in addition to active research. This course can also be used for students pursuing the COS Undergraduate Thesis Option. Additional research hours of these courses (excluding Independent Study) may be taken as free electives for a maximum of 12 research hours being applied to the bachelor’s degree. Generally offered: Fall, Spring. This course has Differential Tuition.