Enrollment in Graduate Courses

For Undergraduate Credit

An undergraduate student with a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or higher and within 30 credit hours of graduation may enroll in a graduate course and apply the credits earned to an undergraduate degree after obtaining approval from the student’s academic advisor, the instructor of the course, the chair of the department offering the course, and the undergraduate associate dean of the college offering the course. Approval forms are available on the One Stop Enrollment website. All approvals must be obtained and the form filed by the time of registration. Students are encouraged to begin collecting the appropriate authorizations before the start of the registration period.

For Graduate Credit

An undergraduate student with a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or higher and lacking no more than 12 semester credit hours for graduation may enroll in a graduate course and earn graduate credit under the following conditions:

  1. All hours required for the student’s undergraduate degree must be completed in the term in which the graduate course is being taken.
  2. To earn graduate credit, the student must graduate at the end of the semester in which the course is taken; otherwise, the course counts as undergraduate credit.
  3. If graduate credit is earned, the semester credit hours are not considered part of the baccalaureate degree program and become a part of the student's permanent graduate academic record.
  4. The student must obtain permission from the student’s academic advisor, the instructor of the course, the chair of the department offering the course, and the graduate associate dean of the college offering the course. Approval forms are available on the One Stop Enrollment website. The form must be filed by the time of registration. Students are encouraged to begin seeking appropriate authorizations before the registration period.

An undergraduate student with a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or higher and lacking no more than 30 semester credit hours for graduation may enroll in a graduate course and earn graduate credit under the following conditions:

  1. The student is in good academic standing in an accelerated bachelor’s/master’s degree program or is in good academic standing in the Honors College.
  2. If graduate credit is earned, the semester credit hours are not considered part of the baccalaureate degree program and become a part of the student's permanent graduate academic record.
  3. The student must obtain permission from the student’s academic advisor, the instructor of the course, the chair of the department offering the course, and the graduate associate dean of the college offering the course. Approval forms are available on the One Stop Enrollment website. The form must be filed by the time of registration. Students are encouraged to begin seeking appropriate authorizations before the registration period.