Military Science (MSC)

Military Science (MSC) Courses

MSC 1013. Introduction to the Army. (2-3) 3 Credit Hours.

Freshman course for Army ROTC (fall semester). Students are introduced to Army culture and customs, in addition to skills such as critical thinking, time management, goal setting, and stress management. Students are also introduced to comprehensive physical fitness, with an opportunity to attend Army physical fitness training. Students will attend leadership laboratories in order to learn fieldcraft and small-unit tactics. Course Fee: LRRT $24.50.

MSC 1023. Foundations of Leadership. (2-3) 3 Credit Hours.

Freshman course for Army ROTC (spring semester). Students will continue to learn critical thinking skills, applied through required persuasive argument briefs. They will be introduced to squad-level battle drills and tactics, along with basic movement techniques. Students will attend leadership laboratories in order to learn fieldcraft and small-unit tactics. Course Fee: LRRT $37.50.

MSC 2013. Leadership and Ethics. (2-3) 3 Credit Hours.

Sophomore course for Army ROTC (fall semester). Students are introduced to the fundamentals of leadership, learning through self-assessments and historical case studies. They will refine their public presentation skills by developing briefings for their class using standard U.S. Army formats. Students will also receive classes on the law of armed conflict and discuss morals and ethical decision-making. Students will attend leadership laboratories in order to learn fieldcraft and small-unit tactics. Course Fee: LRRT $24.50.

MSC 2023. Army Doctrine and Decision Making. (2-3) 3 Credit Hours.

Sophomore class for Army ROTC (spring semester). Students are introduced to the Army's troop-leading procedures while also exploring critical thinking and developing analytical skills. They will learn basic Army doctrine in addition to studying the principles of war and joint operations. Students will attend leadership laboratories in order to learn fieldcraft and small-unit tactics. Course Fee: LRRT $37.50.

MSC 3014. Training Management and the Warfighting Functions. (3-3) 4 Credit Hours.

Junior course for Army ROTC (fall semester). This course is intended for students who have contracted to pursue their commissions as U.S. Army officers. Students will learn advanced land navigation techniques in addition to studying the warfighting functions. They will learn about the different Army branches and continue refinement of small unit leadership skills. Students will attend leadership laboratories in order to learn fieldcraft and small-unit tactics. Course Fee: LRRT $37.50.

MSC 3024. Applied Leadership in Small Unit Operations. (3-3) 4 Credit Hours.

Junior course for Army ROTC (spring semester). This course is intended for students who have contracted to pursue their commissions as U.S. Army officers. Following successful completion of this course and MSC 3014, students will be required to attend 5 weeks of paid training at Fort Knox, KY. This course continues to prepare students for their summer training by teaching platoon-level operations. Students will attend leadership laboratories in order to learn fieldcraft and small-unit tactics. Course Fee: LRRT $50.

MSC 3033. American Military History. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Required course for all Army ROTC cadets pursuing commissions. A comprehensive account of the US Army from past to present. Integrates the basic knowledge of American military history into the future officer’s education. Employs American military history as a tool for studying military professionalism and applying critical-thinking skills and decision-making skills to military problems. Analyzes the definition of military history, the theory and practice of war, and the American military system as an intellectual framework for applying critical-thinking skills and problem-solving skills to the study of historical military problems. Course Fee: LRRT $37.50.

MSC 4014. The Army Officer. (3-3) 4 Credit Hours.

Senior course for Army ROTC (fall semester). This course is intended for students who have contracted to pursue their commission as U.S. Army officers and who have successfully completed Advanced Camp at Fort Knox, KY. The course will further prepare students to become officers and platoon leaders. Subjects covered include counseling and evaluating subordinates, training and leader development, civil-military relations, and officer career planning. Students will attend leadership laboratories in order to learn fieldcraft and small-unit tactics. Course Fee: LRRT $37.50.

MSC 4024. Company Grade Leadership. (3-3) 4 Credit Hours.

Senior course for Army ROTC (spring semester). This course is intended for students who have contracted to pursue their commission as U.S. Army officers and who have successfully completed Advanced Camp at Fort Knox, KY. Students will study multidomain operations and develop presentations to learn about various combatant commands. Students will also prepare for assignments as platoon leaders through multiple case studies and classroom discussions. Students will attend leadership laboratories in order to learn fieldcraft and small-unit tactics. Course Fee: LRRT $50.

MSC 4033. Practical Leadership. (0-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: Successful completion of all required Military Science courses. Army ROTC Military Science V course. Students will meet with the Professor of Military Science and propose an independent study on military-related books or topics to be presented to the PMS at the end of the semester. Course will further develop students in preparation for their commissioning as officers in the U.S. Army. Course Fee: LRRT $37.50.