Interior Design (IDE)

Interior Design (IDE) Courses

IDE 2143. Architecture and Interior Assemblies. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: Enrollment as an ARC or IDE major. The study of building materials, assemblies, and construction processes as used in interior environments with an emphasis on system components qualities, characteristics, and standard installation practices. Generally offered: Fall. Course Fees: SAP1 $25; STSE $30; DL01 $75.

IDE 2153. Interior Materials and Assemblies. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: Enrollment as an ARC or IDE major. Continued study of materials and assemblies as used in interior environments with an emphasis on ceiling, floor, and furniture systems, applied finishes, and specifications. (Formerly IDE 3153. Credit cannot be earned for both IDE 2153 and IDE 3153.). Course Fee: SAP1 $25; STSE $30; DL01 $75.

IDE 2263. Color Theory and Behavior. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.

A study of the physiological, psychological, and emotional effects of color, light, and space on human experience, behavior, and performance within the built environment. Explores fundamental properties of color, color relationships and their effects, as well as the fundamental theories found in environment and behavior interactions. Course Fees: SAP1 $25; STSE $30; DL01 $75.

IDE 2413. History of Interior Architecture I. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisites: WRC 1013, WRC 1023, and enrollment as an ARC or IDE major. Introduction to art, architecture, interior design, and decorative arts from antiquity to the Industrial Revolution. Explores the varied ways that design reflects and serves the social, religious, and political life in the Western and non-Western world. Course Fees: SAP1 $25; STSE $30; DL01 $75.

IDE 2423. History of Interior Architecture II. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: WRC 1013, WRC 1023, and enrollment as an ARC or IDE major. Introduction to art, architecture, interior design, and decorative arts through the post–Industrial Revolution to the modern period. Explores the varied ways that design reflects and serves the social, religious, and political life in the Western and non-Western world. (Formerly titled "History of Design: Renaissance through Nineteenth Century."). Course Fee: SAP1 $25; STSE $30; DL01 $75.

IDE 3123. Space Planning and Interior Details. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: Enrollment as an ARC or IDE major. Space planning and interior details informed by human factors, concepts and regulations. This course has Differential Tuition. Course Fee: SAP1 $25; STSE $30; DL01 $75.

IDE 3133. Interior Design Topics. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: Enrollment as an ARC or IDE major. A study of current trends and issues in interior design. This course has Differential Tuition. Course Fee: SAP1 $25; STSE $30.

IDE 3236. Interior Design Studio I. (0-18) 6 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: IDE 2143, IDE 2423, and ARC 2166. Integration of design processes in meeting human needs relative to the built environment, along with conceptual, functional, spatial, and contextual layers of thought; developing critical thinking, research, and analytical skills to employ creative, innovative, and informed problem-solving techniques in the design of interior spaces; developing an understanding of specific industry trends in space planning, articulation, materials, and product selections. This course has Differential Tuition. Course Fee: SAP1 $25; STSE $60.

IDE 3246. Interior Design Studio II. (0-18) 6 Credit Hours.

Prerequisites: IDE 3123 and IDE 3236. Integration of design processes in meeting human needs relative to the built environment, exploring functional spatial and contextual layers of thought; specific focus on augmenting understanding of the structural systems that are necessary for built spaces and how those spaces impact the interior volume and its articulation. Generally offered: Spring. This course has Differential Tuition. Course Fee: SAP1 $25; STSE $60.

IDE 4213. Furniture Design and Construction. (0-9) 3 Credit Hours.

Focuses on essential elements of furniture or product design and fabrication, emphasizing relations to human environments, architectural space, human factors, and the use of materials, processes, and methods. May include digital design technologies and processes. This course has Differential Tuition. Course Fee: SAP1 $25; STSE $30.

IDE 4233. Computer Projects in Design. (2-3) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: ARC 2166 or consent of instructor. Project-driven lecture/laboratory course exploring advanced issues associated with 3-D modeling, animation, photo-realistic visualization, and computer-aided manufacturing. Considers the role these processes and allied theories play in architectural and interior design. (Same as ARC 4233. Credit cannot be earned for both ARC 4233 and IDE 4233.) This course has Differential Tuition. Course Fee: SAP1 $25; STSE $30; DL01 $75.

IDE 4266. Systems Integration Studio. (0-18) 6 Credit Hours.

Prerequisites: IDE 2143, IDE 2153, IDE 3133, IDE 3246 or IDE 4816, and ARC 4183. Comprehensive design of interior environments focusing on systems integration and articulation of building assemblies. Includes complex programming, life safety issues, thermal control, lighting, electrical, acoustics, water and waste management systems, and technical documentation. (Formerly titled "Interior Design Systems Studio.") Generally offered: Fall. This course has Differential Tuition. Course Fee: SAP1 $25; STSE $60.

IDE 4333. Practicum/Internship. (0-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: IDE 3236 or consent of instructor; majoring in Interior Design. Offers students participation in a variety of design development concerns. Students work under supervision in an approved internship to gain knowledge of their respective professional fields. This course has Differential Tuition. Course Fee: SAP1 $25; STSE $30.

IDE 4513. Practice and Ethics. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: ARC 2166. A study of the currently applied ethical, legal, and professional criteria for the practice of interior design. Issues investigated include forms of practice, client relationships, team leadership, office organization, and project management. This course has Differential Tuition. Course Fee: SAP1 $25; STSE $30; DL01 $75.

IDE 4816. International Studies Studio. (0-18) 6 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: IDE 3246 or consent of instructor. An interior architecture studio associated with a study abroad program. (Formerly titled "Study Abroad: Studio.") (Same as ARC 4816. Credit cannot be earned for both IDE 4816 and ARC 4816.) This course has Differential Tuition. Course Fee: SAP1 $25; STSE $60.

IDE 4823. International Studies Theory Seminar. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: IDE 3246 or consent of instructor. A lecture/seminar course associated with a study abroad program; involves field trips. (Formerly titled "Study Abroad: History/Theory.") (Same as ARC 4823. Credit cannot be earned for both IDE 4823 and ARC 4823.) This course has Differential Tuition. Course Fee: SAP1 $25; STSE $30.

IDE 4833. International Studies Drawing Seminar. (0-9) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: IDE 3246 or consent of instructor. A drawing course associated with a study abroad program; involves field trips. (Formerly titled "Study Abroad: Observational Drawing.") (Same as ARC 4833. Credit cannot be earned for both IDE 4833 and ARC 4833.) This course has Differential Tuition. Course Fee: SAP1 $25; STSE $30.

IDE 4843. International Studies History Seminar. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: IDE 3246 or consent of instructor. A lecture/seminar course associated with a study abroad program; involves field trips. (Same as ARC 4843. Credit cannot be earned for both IDE 4843 and ARC 4843.) This course has Differential Tuition. Course Fee: SAP1 $25; STSE $30.

IDE 4911. Independent Study. (0-0) 1 Credit Hour.

Prerequisite: Permission in writing (form available) from the instructor, the student’s advisor, the School Director, and the Dean of the College in which the course is offered. Scholarly research under the direction of a faculty member. May be repeated for credit, but not more than 6 semester credit hours of independent study, regardless of discipline, may apply to a bachelor’s degree. This course has Differential Tuition. Course Fee: SAP1 $25; STSE $10.

IDE 4913. Independent Study. (0-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: Permission in writing (form available) from the instructor, the student’s advisor, the School Director, and the Dean of the College in which the course is offered. Scholarly research under the direction of a faculty member. May be repeated for credit, but not more than 6 semester credit hours of independent study, regardless of discipline, may apply to a bachelor’s degree. This course has Differential Tuition. Course Fee: SAP1 $25; STSE $30.

IDE 4953. Special Studies in Interior Architecture. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. An organized course offering the opportunity for specialized study not normally or not often available as part of the regular course offerings. Special Studies may be repeated for credit when topics vary, but not more than 6 semester credit hours for IDE 4953 or 12 hours for IDE 4956, regardless of discipline, will apply to a bachelor’s degree. This course has Differential Tuition. Course Fee: SAP1 $25; STSE $30.

IDE 4956. Special Studies in Interior Architecture. (0-18) 6 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. An organized course offering the opportunity for specialized study not normally or not often available as part of the regular course offerings. Special Studies may be repeated for credit when topics vary, but not more than 6 semester credit hours for IDE 4953 or 12 hours for IDE 4956, regardless of discipline, will apply to a bachelor’s degree. This course has Differential Tuition. Course Fee: SAP1 $25; STSE $60.