Finance (FIN)

Finance (FIN) Courses

FIN 3003. Survey of Finance. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: ACC 2003 or ACC 2013 or the equivalent. A basic survey course focusing on three aspects of finance: the financial system, corporate finance, and investments. The financial environment will be described along with how the financial system interacts with the economy. Business decisions, efficient allocation of financial resources, and fundamentals of investment will be introduced. This course is designed for nonbusiness majors and cannot be applied toward a degree in the Carlos Alvarez College of Business. Generally offered: Fall, Spring. This course has Differential Tuition. Course Fee: DL01 $75.

FIN 3013. Principles of Business Finance. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisites: ACC 2013, ECO 2013, MAT 1053, and MS 1023, or their equivalents; completion or concurrent enrollment in ACC 2033. Introduction to financial management techniques. Topics may include time value of money, valuation of stocks and bonds, risk and return, capital budgeting analysis, financing alternatives, financial planning, ratio analysis, short-term financial decisions, working capital, sources and uses of funds, capital structure, dividend policy, lease analysis, options, international financial management, and other topics associated with successful business finance decisions in an internationally competitive environment. (Formerly FIN 3014. Credit cannot be earned for both FIN 3014 and FIN 3013.) Generally offered: Fall, Spring, Summer. This course has Differential Tuition. Course Fee: DL01 $75.

FIN 3023. Intermediate Corporate Finance. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisites: FIN 3013, or the equivalent, with a grade of "C-" or better and successful completion of the Finance Assessment of Competency Test (FACT); and completion of, or concurrent enrollment in, ACC 3023 or ACC 3053, FIN 3063, and MAT 1133. Advanced discussion of subjects essential to corporate financial management, including short-term credit policies, capital budgeting, risk, sources of long-term funds, financial leverage, and the cost of capital. Special topics such as mergers, bankruptcy, and reorganization may also be considered. Generally offered: Fall, Spring, Summer. This course has Differential Tuition.

FIN 3033. Principles of Investment. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: FIN 3013, or the equivalent, with a grade of "C-" or better; successful completion of the Finance Assessment of Competency Test (FACT) Exam; and completion of, or concurrent enrollment in MAT 1133. Introduction to securities markets; analysis of money market instruments, mutual funds, stocks, bonds, options, futures, and other securities; investment management in the light of tax considerations, timing, and selected portfolio needs. Generally offered: Fall, Spring, Summer. This course has Differential Tuition. Course Fee: DL01 $75.

FIN 3053. Introduction to Personal Finance. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: Completion of Math core component course. This course is an introduction to personal finance, including goal setting, cash management, credit, insurance, taxes, housing, investment alternatives, and retirement plans. This course may not be applied toward a major or a minor in finance. Further, it cannot be used as a substitute for FIN 3013 or as a Finance Elective. However, other business majors can use this course to satisfy their business or free elective requirements. This course has Differential Tuition.

FIN 3063. Computer Modeling of Financial Applications. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: FIN 3013 or the equivalent. Provides the opportunity to develop computer modeling skills and techniques for analyzing financial situations encountered in business, including the analysis of financial statements, portfolio management, and principles of investment analysis of securities. Financial databases are introduced to expose students to real world applications. Financial issues involving uncertainty may be examined. (Formerly FIN 4873. Credit cannot be earned for both FIN 4873 and FIN 3063.) This course has Differential Tuition.

FIN 3313. Interest Rates, Money and Banking. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: ECO 2013 or the equivalent. Elements of the foundations of interest rates, monetary theory; relationships between money, prices, production, and employment; factors determining money supply; and operation of capital markets with reference to the United States with an emphasis on its relationship to financial decision-making (Credit cannot be earned for both ECO 3313 and FIN 3313.) This course has Differential Tuition. Course Fee: DL01 $75.

FIN 3423. Security Analysis and Corporate Valuation. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: FIN 3033 or the equivalent and completion of, or concurrent enrollment in, ACC 3023 or ACC 3053, FIN 3023, and FIN 3063. Advanced financial analysis and valuing financial claims of a company; examination of statements and supplementary data of industrial, commercial, financial intermediary, and public enterprises; preparation of reports relevant to achieving an understanding of financial management policies. Generally offered: Fall. This course has Differential Tuition.

FIN 3433. Principles of Real Estate. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.

General introduction to the subject matter and terminology of real estate as a business and profession. This course introduces students to how real estate builds wealth. Topics may include legal and regulatory concerns, legal foundations to value, conveying real property interests, market based valuation, introduction to appraisal, mortgage financing, real estate brokerage, real property management, and real estate contracts. This course serves as the foundation to further study in real estate finance and development. Generally offered: Fall, Spring, Summer. This course has Differential Tuition. Course Fee: DL01 $75.

FIN 3453. Derivative Markets. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: FIN 3033. This course covers the theoretical and practical aspects of futures, options, and other derivative instruments, which have become some of the most important tools of modern finance. While the primary focus is on financial derivatives, contracts based on commodities, and other nonfinancial variables are also covered. Topics include market institutions and trading practices, valuation models, hedging, and other risk management techniques. This course has Differential Tuition. Course fee: DL01 $75.

FIN 3463. Debt Markets. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisites: FIN 3023 and FIN 3033. Describes important fixed income securities and markets, and develops tools for valuing fixed income securities, managing interest rate risk and constructing fixed income portfolios. The course covers traditional bonds and term structure concepts as well as securitized products, fixed income derivatives, and interest rate models. Various data sources and financial software are used to integrate theoretical concepts with practical applications. This course has Differential Tuition. Course fee: DL01 $75.

FIN 4323. Financial Institutions Management. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: FIN 3013 with a grade of "C-" or better. Direction and coordination of the various functions of the financial firm, including money position, lending, and capital management. Emphasis on asset and liability management in a changing environment of regulation, competition, and financial intermediation. Generally offered: Spring. This course has Differential Tuition.

FIN 4333. Business Finance for Entrepreneurs. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: FIN 3013 with a grade of "C-" or better. Development of financial management techniques for developing businesses. Topics include cash flow projections, managing cash and working capital, estimating cost of capital, project evaluation, issues of limited diversification, and nontraditional sources of funds as well as growth and exit strategies. Generally offered: Fall, Spring. This course has Differential Tuition.

FIN 4423. Investment Portfolio Management. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: MGT 3003 and FIN 3033 or the equivalent. Application of investment principles to management of investment portfolios of individuals and institutions; consideration of business cycles, investment constraints, portfolio construction, investment timing, and securities selection. Analysis of derivative securities and their use in the portfolio context. Generally offered: Summer. This course has Differential Tuition. Course Fee: BISP $10; BTSI $15.41; LRB1 $15.41.

FIN 4523. Introduction to Risk Management. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisites: MGT 3003 and FIN 3013 or consent of instructor and approval of the Department Chair and the Dean of the College. Develop an understanding of the risk management process including risk identification, risk analysis, and risk measurement; investigate methods of risk mitigation techniques such as immunization, diversification, risk financing, risk control, hedging and insurance with applications. Generally offered: Spring. This course has Differential Tuition.

FIN 4543. Credit Analysis. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: MGT 3003 and FIN 3013 or consent of instructor and approval of the Department Chair and the Dean of the College. The course will provide an introduction to credit analysis. Topics covered will include: financial statement analysis; identification of relevant factors affecting the economy, industry, and the firm; default risk measures and recovery rates; structure and documentation of debt contracts; and tools to mitigate default risk. This course has Differential Tuition. Course Fee: BISP $10; BTSI $15.41; LRB1 $15.41.

FIN 4553. Data Analytics in Finance. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: FIN 3013 or the equivalent, with a grade of "C-" or better. This course will introduce students to data science for financial applications using the R or Python programming language. Topics may include a variety of empirical questions from different areas within finance, including FinTech, asset management, fixed income, derivatives, corporate finance, corporate governance, venture capital, and private equity. The course will highlight how big data and data analytics shape the way finance is practiced by focusing on problems currently confronting finance professionals. Prior experience with R or Python may be beneficial but is not required. This course has Differential Tuition. Course Fee: DL01 $75.

FIN 4573. Introduction to FinTech. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: FIN 3013 or the equivalent, with a grade of "C-" or better. This course on Financial Technology (FinTech) aims to provide students with an introduction to the financial industry and a broad overview of the FinTech universe. The course specifically covers the role of technological innovations in shaping the financial services industry, emerging business models and products, and key factors, such as AI/ML, blockchain, and data/APIs, that are enabling a massive disruption across the industry. It also provides an overview of the market structure, regulation, and functions of the financial industry, in addition to techniques for founding and funding FinTech startups. Prior experience with Python may be beneficial but is not required. This course has Differential Tuition. Course Fee: DL01 $75.

FIN 4613. Introduction to International Finance. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisites: MGT 3003 and FIN 3013 or the equivalent. Study of underlying forces in international financial relations and the unique problems of international trade, investments, and operations; examination of multinational business finance and its economic, legal, and political dimensions. Generally offered: Fall, Spring, Summer. This course has Differential Tuition.

FIN 4713. Mortgage Banking and Real Estate Finance. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: FIN 3013, FIN 3433, or their equivalents, with a grade of "C-" or better; and successful completion of the Finance Assessment of Competency Test (FACT) Exam. Planning, structure, and analysis of real estate financing from the viewpoints of both the users and suppliers of funds; examination of various techniques and legal instruments; institutional constraints and their effects on real estate lending activities; and federal, state, and local laws governing housing discrimination, equal credit opportunity, and community reinvestment. Generally offered: Fall. This course has Differential Tuition. Course Fee: DL01 $75.

FIN 4723. Principles of Real Estate Investment. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: FIN 3013, FIN 3433, or their equivalents, with a grade of "C-" or better; and successful completion of the Finance Assessment of Competency Test (FACT) Exam. Analysis of real estate investment alternatives; feasibility and site analysis; tax considerations; income and expense analysis; discounted cash flow analysis; profitability measurement; and forms of ownership. Generally offered: Spring. This course has Differential Tuition. Course Fee: DL01 $75.

FIN 4813. Property-Liability Insurance Finance. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisites: MGT 3003 and FIN 3013 or the equivalent. Analysis and management of risk and insurance, including the insurance contract, property insurance, liability insurance, business insurance, the insurance agency, financial structure and management of property-liability companies, and contemporary problems of property-liability insurance. Generally offered: Spring. This course has Differential Tuition.

FIN 4823. Life and Health Insurance Finance. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: MGT 3003 and FIN 3013 or the equivalent. Philosophy of the life risk is developed, as well as an understanding of the special character of life and health insurance, human life value, the customary and special uses of life insurance, and the history of life insurance companies. Life, health, and disability insurance contracts are investigated in addition to term and whole life insurance, agency structure, and current issues of life and health insurance. Generally offered: Fall. This course has Differential Tuition.

FIN 4853. Real Estate Appraisal. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: FIN 3013 and FIN 3433. Functions and methods of property valuation, including comparable sales analysis, cost depreciation analysis, and income capitalization; residential and income property appraisal techniques and reporting. (Same as RFD 4853. Credit cannot be earned for both FIN 4853 and RFD 4853. Finance majors cannot take RFD 4853 as an upper-division finance elective.) This course has Differential Tuition.

FIN 4893. Cases and Problems in Finance. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisites: ACC 3023 or ACC 3053, FIN 3023, FIN 3033, FIN 3313, FIN 3063, and MAT 1133 with a grade of C- or better in each course and senior standing. Integration of financial concepts and financial tools to enable strategic financial decision making in a wide variety of situations. Topics include corporate finance, investments, international finance, risk management, and other aspects of finance. Generally offered: Fall, Spring. This course has Differential Tuition. Course fees: DL01 $75.

FIN 4913. Independent Study. (0-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisites: A 3.0 Carlos Alvarez College of Business grade point average, MGT 3003 and permission in writing from the instructor, the Department Chair, and the Dean of the Carlos Alvarez College of Business. Independent reading, research, discussion, and/or writing under the direction of a faculty member. May be repeated for credit, but not more than 6 semester credit hours of independent study, regardless of discipline, will apply to a bachelor’s degree. This course has Differential Tuition.

FIN 4933. Internship in Finance. (0-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: MGT 3003, 6 semester credit hours of upper-division finance courses, a 2.5 UTSA grade point average, and approval in writing from the instructor, the Department Chair, and the Associate/Assistant Dean of Undergraduate Studies in the Carlos Alvarez College of Business. Directed internship of at least 160 hours of work under the supervision of a finance professional, providing students with opportunities to apply concepts, principles, and techniques learned in the classroom. Written report required. A proposal form must be completed and approved prior to registration. May be repeated once for credit (for a total of 6 semester credit hours). Generally offered: Fall, Spring, Summer. This course has Differential Tuition.

FIN 4951. Special Studies in Finance. (1-0) 1 Credit Hour.

Prerequisite: MGT 3003 and consent of instructor, and approval of the Department Chair and the Dean of the College. An organized course offering the opportunity for specialized study not normally or not often available as part of the regular course offerings. Special Studies may be repeated for credit when the topics vary, but not more than 6 semester credit hours, regardless of discipline, will apply to a bachelor’s degree. This course has Differential Tuition. Course Fee: BISP $10; BTSI $15.41; LRB1 $15.41.

FIN 4953. Special Studies in Finance. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: MGT 3003. An organized course offering the opportunity for specialized study not normally or not often available as part of the regular course offerings. Special Studies may be repeated for credit when the topics vary, but not more than 6 semester credit hours, regardless of discipline, will apply to a bachelor’s degree. This course has Differential Tuition.