Curriculum and Instruction (CI)

Curriculum and Instruction (CI) Courses

CI 3663. Interdisciplinary Project Based Learning. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.

In this course, students will learn about interdisciplinary project-based learning through first-hand experience. Project-based learning is a student-driven teaching approach in which the learners identify and analyze a critical issue or problem, then work over a period of time to develop a possible solution, which is then shared with a public audience. The course will focus on both project-based teaching and learning approaches for all learners and across content areas. Generally Offered: Spring. Course Fee: LRH1 $20.54; STSH $30.81.

CI 4200. Secondary Professional Learning Community. (0-0) 0 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: EED 2013 and EDP 3203; Admission to the Teacher Certification Program. Corequisites: CI 4203. This course is a professional learning community (PLC). The PLC serves as a touchstone in the secondary teacher certification program, bringing together preclinical and clinical teacher candidates within disciplinary areas to share and co-construct knowledge and skills applied to their field-based classroom experiences. By working in small groups of colleagues and peers, learning is emergent, responsive, and collaborative. Although the PLC is facilitated by faculty members with expertise in the specialty area, it is a vehicle for horizontal expertise where students and faculty alike share their expertise and insights. In this way, the PLC is a community of practice where teacher candidates come together to (a) share learning from various school- and community-based experiences and (b) synthesize learning through reflection and discussion on teaching and being a teacher. Multiple discipline-based sections will be offered each semester, and all preclinical and clinical teachers in a discipline will enroll in the same section throughout their program. Teacher candidates must pass the course with a CR to qualify for clinical teaching. This course will not be offered in the Summer. (Formerly CI 4801, credit cannot be earned for both CI 4801 and CI 4200.). Course Fee: LRH1 $20.54.

CI 4203. Teaching and Learning in the Secondary Classroom. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: Admission to the Teacher Certification Program; completion of EED 2013 and EDP 3203 is required. Corequisites: EDP 4203 and CI 4200. Students are introduced to Universal Design for Learning, an approach that aims to meet the diverse needs of all learners. The course’s focus on instructional equity is strengthened by the integration of culturally responsive/sustaining pedagogy, social-emotional learning, trauma-informed pedagogy, and restorative justice practices. Students will explore classroom ecology by examining the deep connection between a teacher’s curricular and instructional choices and how it shapes the secondary classroom environment. Students will apply their developing knowledge of these concepts and skills by designing curricular materials that demonstrate the importance of fostering a healthy and supportive learning environment. Generally offered: Fall, Spring. Course Fee: LRH1 $20.54; STF1 $75; STSH $30.81.

CI 4213. Music Methods. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: Admission to the Teacher Certification Program, EDP 3203, and EDU 2103. This course is designed to provide music teacher candidates with the necessary knowledge and skills to prepare for successfully planning, implementing, and evaluating music instruction. This course may be offered in multiple sections to accommodate choral and instrumental music instruction in various contexts. Field experience required. (Formerly C&I 4213. Credit cannot be earned for both CI 4213 and C&I 4213.) Generally offered: Fall. Course Fee: LRH1 $20; STF1 $75; STSH $30.

CI 4223. Secondary Mathematics Methods. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: Admission to the Teacher Certification Program, EDP 3203, and EDU 2103; completion of or concurrent enrollment in EED 2013 and EDP 4203 is required. Study of curricular, instructional, and management approaches to mathematics in secondary schools. Emphasis on developing instructional and curricular strategies that are effective in diverse teaching contexts. Course will address teaching special populations of students, the application of instructional technology and multimedia, and developing classroom culture and ecology. This course must be completed with a grade of "B-" or better for it to serve as a prerequisite for CI 4646 or CI 4643 Clinical Teaching: Grades 7-12. Field experience required. Restricted course, advisor code required for registration. (Formerly C&I 4223. Credit cannot be earned for both CI 4223 and C&I 4223.) Generally offered: Fall, Spring. Not offered in the Summer. Course Fee: LRH1 $20; STF1 $75; STSH $30.

CI 4233. Secondary Social Studies Methods. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: Admission to the Teacher Certification Program, EDP 3203, and EDU 2103; completion of or concurrent enrollment in EED 2013 and EDP 4203 is required. A study of methods, materials, and processes for teaching social studies in secondary school settings. Topics include the effective implementation of social studies curriculum and standards, pacing and planning for instruction, authentic formative and summative assessment, and cultivating cultural and critical competence. Special emphasis is placed on interdisciplinary and multicultural connections using integrated and thematic unit planning. Restricted course, advisor code required for registration. This course must be completed with a grade of "B-" or better for it to serve as a prerequisite for CI 4646 or CI 4643 Clinical Teaching: Grades 7-12. Field experience required. (Formerly C&I 4233. Credit cannot be earned for both CI 4233 and C&I 4233.) Generally offered: Fall, Spring. Not offered in the Summer. Course Fee: LRH1 $20; STF1 $75; STSH $30.

CI 4243. Secondary Science Methods. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: Admission to the Teacher Certification Program, EDP 3203, and EDU 2103; completion of or concurrent enrollment in EED 2013 and EDP 4203 is required. Study of curricular, instructional, and management approaches to science in secondary schools. Emphasis on developing instructional and curricular strategies that are effective in diverse teaching contexts. Course will address teaching special populations of students, the application of instructional technology and multimedia, and developing classroom culture and ecology. Restricted course, advisor code required for registration. This course must be completed with a grade of "B-" or better for it to serve as a prerequisite for CI 4646 Clinical Teaching: Grades 7-12. Field experience required. (Formerly C&I 4243. Credit cannot be earned for both CI 4243 and C&I 4243.) Generally offered: Fall, Spring. Not offered in the Summer. Course Fee: LRH1 $20; STF1 $75; STSH $30.

CI 4253. Secondary English Language Arts and Reading Methods. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisites: Admission to the Teacher Certification Program, EDP 3203, and EDU 2103; prior or concurrent enrollment in EED 2013 and EDP 4203 is required.  Study of curricular, instructional, and management approaches to English language arts and reading in secondary schools. Emphasis on developing instructional and curricular strategies that are effective in diverse teaching contexts. Course will address teaching special populations of students, the application of instructional technology and multimedia, and developing classroom culture and ecology. Restricted course, advisor code required for registration. This course must be completed with a grade of "B-" or better for it to serve as a prerequisite for CI 4643 or CI 4646 Clinical Teaching: Grades 7-12. Field experience required. (Formerly C&I 4253. Credit cannot be earned for both CI 4253 and C&I 4253.) Generally offered: Fall, Spring. Not offered in the Summer. Course Fees: LRH1 $20; STF1 $75; STSH $30.

CI 4263. Secondary Music Methods. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: Admission to the Teacher Certification Program, EED 2013, EDP 3203, and EDU 2103. Study of curricular, instructional, and management approaches to music in the secondary schools. Emphasis on developing instructional and curricular strategies that are effective in diverse teaching contexts. Course will address teaching special populations of students, the application of instructional technology and multimedia, and developing classroom culture and ecology. Restricted course, advisor code required for registration. This course may be offered in multiple sections to accommodate choral and instrumental music instruction. This course must be completed with a grade of "B-" or better for it to serve as a prerequisite for CI 4716 Clinical Teaching: All Level EC-12. Field experience required. (Formerly C&I 4263. Credit cannot be earned for both CI 4263 and C&I 4263.) Generally offered: Fall, Spring. Not offered in the Summer. Course Fee: LRH1 $20; STF1 $75; STSH $30.

CI 4273. Methods of Teaching Content in the Elementary School-Physical Education. (3-1) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: KIN 4343, KIN 4423, and admission to the Teacher Certification Program. Examination of current trends, issues, and pedagogical approaches to teaching and facilitating learning of physical education in the elementary school curriculum. Contemporary programming, problem solving, and community outreach activities will be emphasized. Weekly fieldwork in the public schools at the elementary school level is required. Restricted course; advisor code required for registration. (Same as KIN 4303. Credit cannot be earned for both CI 4273 and KIN 4303.) Generally offered: Fall, Spring. Course Fee: LRH1 $20.54; STF1 $75; STSH $30.81.

CI 4283. EC-12 Art Methods. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisites: Admission to the Teacher Certification Program, EED 2013, EDP 3203, and EDU 2103.  Study of curricular, instructional, and management methods in teaching Art in early childhood, elementary, middle, and secondary settings. Emphasis on developing instructional and curricular strategies that are effective in diverse teaching contexts. Course will address teaching special populations of students, the application of instructional technology and multimedia, and developing classroom culture and ecology. Restricted course, advisor code required for registration. This course must be completed with a grade of "B-" or better for it to serve as a prerequisite for CI 4716 Clinical Teaching: All Level EC-12. Field experience required. Generally offered: Fall, Spring. Not offered in the Summer. Course Fees: LRH1 $20.54; STF1 $75; STSH $30.81.

CI 4293. EC-12 Languages Other Than English (LOTE) Methods. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisites: Admission to the Teacher Certification Program, EED 2013, EDP 3203, and EDU 2103. Study of curricular, instructional, and management methods in teaching languages other than English (LOTE) in early childhood, elementary, middle, and secondary settings. Emphasis on developing instructional and curricular strategies that are effective in diverse teaching contexts. Course will address teaching special populations of students, the application of instructional technology and multimedia, and developing classroom culture and ecology. Restricted course, advisor code required for registration. This course must be completed with a grade of "B-" or better for it to serve as a prerequisite for CI 4716 Clinical Teaching: All Level EC-12. Field experience required. (Formerly C&I 4293. Credit cannot be earned for both CI 4293 and C&I 4293.) Generally offered: Fall, Spring. Not offered in the Summer. Course Fees: LRH1 $20.54; STF1 $75; STSH $30.81.

CI 4303. Social Studies Methods in Early Childhood–Grade 6. (2-3) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: Admission to the Teacher Certification Program, CI 4353, CI 4403, ECE 4203, and LTED 3823; concurrent enrollment in LTED 3813 is required for EC-6 ESL students; may not be taken concurrently with CI 4353, CI 4403, ECE 4203, or LTED 3823. A study of methods, materials, and processes for teaching social studies in early childhood through grade 6. Topics include the effective implementation of social studies curriculum and standards, pacing and planning for instruction, authentic formative and summative assessment, and cultivating cultural and critical competence. Special emphasis is placed on interdisciplinary and multicultural connections using integrated and thematic unit planning. This course must be completed with a grade of "B-" or better. Restricted course, advisor code required for registration. CI 4621 Clinical Teaching required. (Formerly C&I 4303. Credit cannot be earned for both CI 4303 and C&I 4303.) Generally offered: Fall, Spring. Course Fee: LRH1 $20; STF1 $75; STSH $30.

CI 4313. Methods of Teaching Content in the Secondary School-Physical Education. (3-1) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: KIN 4343, KIN 4423, and admission to the Teacher Certification Program. Examination of current trends, issues, and pedagogical approaches to the teaching and learning of physical education in the secondary school curriculum. Contemporary programming, behavior management strategies, and community outreach activities will be emphasized. Weekly fieldwork in the public schools at the secondary school level is required. Restricted course; advisor code required for registration. (Same as KIN 4203. Credit cannot be earned for both KIN 4203 and CI 4313.) Generally offered: Fall, Spring. Course Fee: LRH1 $20.54; STF1 $75; STSH $30.81; DL01 $75.

CI 4353. Science Methods in Early Childhood–Grade 6. (2-3) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: Admission to the Teacher Certification Program, ECE 3143, ECE 3313, and ECE 3603; concurrent enrollment in CI 4403, ECE 4203, and LTED 3823 is required. A study of pedagogical approaches, materials, and resources designed to support children’s meaningful exploration, discovery, and construction of basic concepts and skills in EC–Grade 6. Emphasis in the course will be on the interrelatedness of science in the daily lives of students, unifying concepts and processes common to all sciences, development of effective learning environments for science both inside and outside of the classroom, planning and implementation of inquiry-based science lessons, assessment of student learning, and the use of an integrated approach to teaching. This course must be completed with a grade of "B-" or better for it to serve as a prerequisite for CI 4611 and CI 4621. Restricted course; advisor code required for registration. Field experience required. (Formerly C&I 4353. Same as BBL 4353. Credit can only be earned for one course: CI 4353, C&I 4353, or BBL 4353.) Generally offered: Fall, Spring. Course Fee: LRH1 $20; STF1 $75; STSH $30.

CI 4403. Mathematics Methods in Early Childhood–Grade 6. (2-3) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisites: Admission to the Teacher Certification Program, ECE 3143, ECE 3313, and ECE 3603; concurrent enrollment in CI 4353, ECE 4203, and LTED 3823 is required. This course involves the study of instructional methods and materials that support diverse children’s meaningful exploration, discovery, and development of basic concepts and skills in mathematics from EC–Grade 6. Emphasizing a constructivist approach to the teaching and learning of mathematics, this course also advances the use of technology to facilitate mathematic understanding. Attention will be given to understanding the interrelatedness of mathematics and other content areas, creating effective learning environments, planning and implementing lesson plans to meet the differentiated needs of a wide variety of learners, and assessing student learning in mathematics. This course must be completed with a grade of "B-" or better for it to serve as a prerequisite for CI 4611 and CI 4621. Restricted course, advisor code required for registration. Field experience required. (Same as BBL 4403. Formerly C&I 4403. Credit can only be earned for one course: CI 4403, C&I 4403, or BBL 4403.) Generally offered: Fall, Spring. Course Fees: LRH1 $20.54; STF1 $75; STSH $30.81.

CI 4433. Science Methods in Grades 4-8. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: Must be admitted to the Teacher Certification Program; completion of CI 4443, CI 4603, and LTED 3533 in semester prior to clinical teaching. Study of curricula, instructional, and management approaches to teaching science grades 4–8. This course emphasizes a constructivist approach in developing inductive and inquiry teaching methods. Special emphasis is placed on the integration of technology in diverse learning environments. This course must be completed with a grade of "B-" or better for it to serve as a prerequisite for CI 4731 or CI 4631 4-8 MA/SCI Clinical Teaching l or ll. (Formerly C&I 4433. Credit cannot be earned for more than one of the following: C&I 4413, C&I 4433, or CI 4433.) Generally offered: Spring. Course Fee: LRH1 $20.54; STF1 $75; STSH $30.81.

CI 4443. Mathematics Methods in Grades 4-8. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: Must be admitted to the Teacher Certification Program; completion of CI 4433, CI 4603, CI 4623, and LTED 3533 in semester prior to clinical teaching. Study of curricula, instructional, and management approaches to teaching mathematics grades 4–8. This course emphasizes a constructivist approach to the teaching of mathematics, including the use of technology in diverse learning environments. This course must be completed with a grade of "B-" or better for it to serve as a prerequisite for CI 4731 or CI 4631 4-8 MA/SCI Clinical Teaching l or ll. (Formerly C&I 4443. Same as BBL 4443. Credit cannot be earned for more than one of the following: CI 4443, BBL 4443, C&I 4423, or C&I 4443.) Generally offered: Spring. Course Fee: LRH1 $20.54; STF1 $75; STSH $30.81.

CI 4543. Social Studies Methods in Grades 4-8. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: Must be admitted to the Teacher Certification Program; completion of CI 4603, LTED 3633, and LTED 3533 in semester prior to clinical teaching. This course emphasizes student-centered curricula that meet the needs of diverse students in grades 4–8. Pre-service teachers examine models of teaching and learning to develop the knowledge, values, and experiential basis necessary for effective teaching. Students will demonstrate proficiency by creating lesson plans that specifically address the 4th–8th grade Social Studies standards and integrate other content, incorporate technology, and address diversity. This course must be completed with a grade of "B-" or better for it to serve as a prerequisite for CI 4641 and CI 4651 ELA/SS Clinical Teaching l/ll. Generally offered: Spring. Course Fee: LRH1 $20.54; STF1 $75; STSH $30.81.

CI 4553. Interdisciplinary Service Learning. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: Must be admitted to the Teacher Certification Program; concurrent enrollment in LDT 4083 and CI 3663. This course examines the philosophy, methodology, and components of interdisciplinary service-learning. Service-learning is the engagement of students in critically conscious activities designed to address or meet a community need in collaboration with community members, community organizations, museums, and/or school districts. Students will connect service-learning experiences to interdisciplinary pedagogical and curricular knowledge. This course must be completed with a grade of "B-" or better. Generally offered: Spring. Course Fee: LRH1 $20.54; STF1 $75; STSH $30.81; DL01 $75.

CI 4603. Classroom Ecology in Middle Grades. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: Must be admitted to the Teacher Certification Program; for Grades 4–8 Mathematics/Science Certification Option: completion of CI 4433, CI 4443, and LTED 3533 in semester prior to clinical teaching; for Grades 4–8 Language Arts/Reading/Social Studies Certification Option: completion of CI 4543, LTED 3633, CI 4623, and LTED 3533 in semester prior to clinical teaching. Preservice teachers will be able to identify the ecological elements of a positive learning environment and develop a teaching philosophy that reflects their professional beliefs and implements them through their teaching practice (e.g., design of classroom spaces and procedures, etc.). The course further examines instructional methods and approaches that support the ability to lead the classroom by establishing strong, trusting relationships that ensure the academic success of all students. Students will also critically examine theories that were historically called “classroom management” and discuss the many ways that the concept has evolved to include contemporary socio-emotional learning strategies and developmentally-appropriate interventions and context modifications. (Formerly C&I 4603. Same as BBL 4603. Credit can only be earned for one of the following: CI 4603, C&I 4603, or BBL 4603.) Generally offered: Fall, Spring. Course Fee: LRH1 $20.54; STF1 $75; STSH $30.81; DL01 $75.

CI 4611. Yearlong Clinical Teaching I: Early Childhood-Grade 6. (0-0) 1 Credit Hour.

Prerequisite: Admission to the Teacher Certification Program, completion of all requirements for admission to the first EC–6 clinical teaching semester, and concurrent enrollment in 9 semester credit hours of Professional Education: CI 4353, CI 4403, and LTED 4503; and a grade of "B-" or better in CI 4353, CI 4403, and LTED 4503; a grade of "CR" is required for CI 4611 and CI 4621 to be recommended for teacher certification; individuals must apply to the director of clinical teaching one semester in advance; Bilingual EC–6 prerequisites: Admission to the Teacher Certification Program, completion of all requirements for admission to the first EC–6 clinical teaching semester, concurrent enrollment in 9 semester credit hours of Professional Education: BBL 4073, BBL 4353, and BBL 4403; requires experience in an EC–6 school setting and in the certification area sought under the supervision of university faculty. The clinical teacher will be responsible for planning, implementing, and evaluating instruction in collaboration with the cooperating teacher and in conjunction with the UTSA supervisor. Seminars explore issues in teaching practice. Generally offered: Fall, Spring. Course Fee: LRH1 $20.54; STF1 $75; STSH $10.27.

CI 4612. Clinical Teaching I and II: Early Childhood - Grade 6. (0-0) 2 Credit Hours.

Prerequisites: Admission to the Teacher Certification Program, completion of all requirements for admission to the second EC–6 clinical teaching semester, and completion of 21 semester credit hours of Professional Education: CI 4303, CI 4353, CI 4403, ECE 4143, ECE 4203, LTED 3823, and LTED 4833; a grade of "B-" or better in CI 4303, CI 4353, CI 4403, LTED 3823, and LTED 4833; a grade of "CR" is required for CI 4612 to be recommended for teacher certification; individuals must apply to the director of clinical teaching one semester in advance; bilingual EC–6 prerequisites: Admission to the Teacher Certification Program, completion of all requirements for admission to the EC–6 clinical teaching semester, completion of 18 semester credit hours of Professional Education: BBL 4033, BBL 4063, BBL 4073, BBL 4353, BBL 4403, and LTED 3823; requires experience in an EC–6th-grade school setting and in the certification area sought under the supervision of university faculty. The clinical teacher will be responsible for planning, implementing, and evaluating instruction in collaboration with the cooperating teacher and in conjunction with the UTSA supervisor. Seminars explore issues in teaching practice. Generally offered: Fall, Spring. Course Fees: LRH1 $20.54; STF1 $75; STSH $20.54.

CI 4613. Clinical Teaching: Early Childhood–Grade 6. (0-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisites: Admission to the Teacher Certification Program, completion of all requirements for admission to the EC–6 clinical teaching semester, completion of 21 semester credit hours of Professional Education: CI 4303, CI 4353, CI 4403, ECE 4143, ECE 4203, LTED 3823, and LTED 4833, a grade of "B-" or better in CI 4303, CI 4353, CI 4403, LTED 3823, and LTED 4833, and a grade of "CR" is required for CI 4616 to be recommended for teacher certification; individuals must apply to the director of clinical teaching one semester in advance; Bilingual EC–6 prerequisites: Admission to the Teacher Certification Program, completion of all requirements for admission to the EC–6 clinical teaching semester, completion of 18 semester credit hours of Professional Education: BBL 4033, BBL 4063, BBL 4073, BBL 4353, BBL 4403, and LTED 3823. Will be repeated for two long semesters and requires half-day clinical teaching in an EC–6th grade school setting and in the certification area sought under the supervision of University faculty. Student teacher will be responsible for planning, implementing, and evaluating instruction in collaboration with the cooperating teacher and in conjunction with the UTSA supervisor. Seminars explore issues in teaching practice. May be repeated for credit. Generally offered: Fall, Spring. Course Fees: LRH1 $20.54; STF1 $75; STSH $30.81.

CI 4616. Clinical Teaching: Early Childhood–Grade 6. (0-0) 6 Credit Hours.

Prerequisites: Admission to the Teacher Certification Program, completion of all requirements for admission to the EC–6 clinical teaching semester, completion of 21 semester credit hours of Professional Education: CI 4303, CI 4353, CI 4403, ECE 4143, ECE 4203, LTED 3823, and LTED 4833, a grade of "B-" or better in CI 4303, CI 4353, CI 4403, LTED 3823, and LTED 4833, and a grade of "CR" is required for CI 4616 to be recommended for teacher certification; individuals must apply to the director of clinical teaching one semester in advance; Bilingual EC–6 prerequisites: Admission to the Teacher Certification Program, completion of all requirements for admission to the EC–6 clinical teaching semester, completion of 18 semester credit hours of Professional Education: BBL 4033, BBL 4063, BBL 4073, BBL 4353, BBL 4403, and LTED 3823. Full semester of full-day clinical teaching in a regular or bilingual EC–grade 6 classroom under the supervision of University faculty. Student teacher will be responsible for planning, implementing, and evaluating instruction in collaboration with the cooperating teacher and in conjunction with the UTSA supervisor. Seminars explore issues in teaching practice. (Formerly C&I 4616. Credit cannot be earned for both CI 4616 and C&I 4616.) Generally offered: Fall, Spring. Course Fees: LRH1 $20.54; STF1 $75; STSH $61.62.

CI 4621. Yearlong Clinical Teaching II: Early Childhood–Grade 6. (0-0) 1 Credit Hour.

Prerequisite: Admission to the Teacher Certfication Program, completion of all requirements for admission to the first EC–6 clinical teaching semester, and concurrent enrollment in 9 semester credit hours of Professional Education: CI 4303, LTED 3813, and ESL 3023; and a grade of "B-" or better in CI 4353, CI 4403, and LTED 4503; a grade of "CR" is required for CI 4611 and CI 4621 to be recommended for teacher certfication; individuals must apply to the director of clinical teaching one semester in advance; Bilingual EC–6 prerequisites: Admission to the Teacher Certfication Program, completion of all requirements for admission to the first EC–6 clinical teaching semester, concurrent enrollment in 9 semester credit hours of Professional Education: BBL 4063, ESL 3023, and LTED 3813; requires experience in an EC–6 school setting and in the certfication area sought under the supervision of university faculty; a grade of "CR" is required for CI 4611 and CI 4621 to be recommended for teacher certfication; individuals must apply to the director of clinical teaching one semester in advance. The clinical teacher will be responsible for planning, implementing, and evaluating instruction in collaboration with the cooperating teacher and in conjunction with the UTSA supervisor. Seminars explore issues in teaching practice. Generally offered: Fall, Spring. Course Fee: LRH1 $20.54; STF1 $75; STSH $10.27.

CI 4623. Applied Teaching: Grades 4–8. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisites: Must be admitted to the Teacher Certification Program; for Grades 4–8 Mathematics/Science Certification Option: concurrent enrollment in CI 4433, CI 4443, CI 4603, and LTED 3533; for Grades 4–8 Language Arts/Reading/Social Studies Certification Option: concurrent enrollment in CI 4543, CI 4553, CI 4603, and LTED 3533; for Grades 4–8 Generalist Certification Option: concurrent enrollment in CI 4433, CI 4443, CI 4543, CI 4603, and LTED 3533. This field experience course provides preservice teachers the opportunity to work with students in grades 4-8 in school settings under the supervision of a university instructor. This course must be completed with a grade of "B-" or better for it to serve as a prerequisite for CI 4626 or CI 4633 Clinical Teaching: Grades 4–8. (Formerly C&I 4623. Credit cannot be earned for both CI 4623 and C&I 4623.) Course Fees: LRH1 $20.54; STF1 $75; STSH $30.81; DL01 $75.

CI 4626. Clinical Teaching: Grades 4-8. (0-0) 6 Credit Hours.

Prerequisites: Admission to the Teacher Certification Program, completion of all requirements to the 4–8 clinical teaching semester including all relevant TExES examinations, completion of 21 semester credit hours: CI 4603, EDP 3303, ESL 3073, MAT 1023, LTED 3533, LTED 3633, LTED 3803, and a grade of "CR" is required for the clinical teaching course to be recommended for teacher certification; individuals must apply to the director of clinical teaching one semester in advance; 4–8 Mathematics/Science students: The following courses completed with a grade of "B-" or better: CI 4433, CI 4443, CI 4603, LTED 3523, and LTED 3533; 4–8 Language Arts, Reading, and Social Studies students: The following courses completed with a grade of "B-" or better: CI 4543, CI 4553, LTED 3523, LTED 3533, LTED 3633; 4–8 ESL students: Completion of a minimum of 15 semester credit hours of the ESL specialization and completion of ESL 4003, EDU 2103, EDP 3303, EDP 4203, or BBL 5053; 4–8 Bilingual students: Completion of all requirements for admission to the Bilingual 4–8 clinical teaching semester and completion of 15 semester credit hours of Professional Education: BBL 4033, BBL 4063, BBL 4073, CI 4433 or CI 4443, and CI 4603. Full semester of full-day clinical teaching in a regular upper elementary/middle school classroom under the supervision of University faculty is required. Student teacher will be responsible for planning, implementing, and evaluating instruction in collaboration with the cooperating teacher and in conjunction with the UTSA supervisor. Seminars explore issues in teaching practice. Generally offered: Fall, Spring. Course Fees: LRH1 $20.54; STF1 $75; STSH $61.62.

CI 4631. 4-8 MA/SCI Yearlong Clinical Teaching ll. (0-0) 1 Credit Hour.

Prerequisite: Admission to the Teacher Certification Program, completion of all requirements for admission to the 4-8 clinical teaching semester, and concurrent enrollment in 9 semester credit hours of Professional Education: LDT 4083, CI 3663, and CI 4553; a grade of "B-" or better is needed in CI 4433, LDT 4083, CI 3663, and CI 4553 to be recommended for teacher certification. Clinical teaching requires experience in a 4-8th-grade school setting and in the certification area sought under the supervision of university faculty. This is the second course in a two-semester placement in the same middle grades school. Clinical teachers are expected to attend their clinical placement at least 3 full days per week for both semesters. The clinical teacher is responsible for planning, implementing, and evaluating instruction in collaboration with the cooperating mentor teacher and in conjunction with the UTSA supervisor. Attendance at Clinical Teaching Seminar is mandatory and is required to earn credit for the course. Generally offered: Fall, Spring. Course Fee: LRH1 $20.54; STF1 $75; STSH $20.54.

CI 4633. Clinical Teaching: Grades 4-8. (0-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisites: Admission to the Teacher Certification Program, completion of all requirements to the 4–8 clinical teaching semester including all relevant TExES examinations, completion of 21 semester credit hours: CI 4603, EDP 3303, ESL 3073, MAT 1023, LTED 3533, LTED 3633, LTED 3803, and a grade of "CR" is required for the clinical teaching course to be recommended for teacher certification; individuals must apply to the director of clinical teaching one semester in advance; 4–8 Mathematics/Science students: The following courses completed with a grade of "B-" or better: CI 4433, CI 4443, CI 4603, LTED 3523, and LTED 3533; 4–8 Language Arts, Reading, and Social Studies students: The following courses completed with a grade of "B-" or better: CI 4543, CI 4553, LTED 3523, LTED 3533, LTED 3633; 4–8 ESL students: Completion of a minimum of 15 semester credit hours of the ESL specialization and completion of ESL 4003, EDU 2103, EDP 3303, EDP 4203, or BBL 5053; 4–8 Bilingual students: Completion of all requirements for admission to the Bilingual 4–8 clinical teaching semester and completion of 15 semester credit hours of Professional Education: BBL 4033, BBL 4063, BBL 4073, CI 4433 or CI 4443, and CI 4603. Will be repeated for two long semesters and requires half-day clinical teaching in an elementary/middle school setting and in the certification area sought under the supervision of University faculty. Student teacher will be responsible for planning, implementing, and evaluating instruction in collaboration with the cooperating teacher and in conjunction with the UTSA supervisor. Seminars explore issues in teaching practice. May be repeated for credit. Generally offered: Fall, Spring. Course Fees: LRH1 $20.54; STF1 $75; STSH $30.81.

CI 4641. 4-8 ELR/SS Yearlong Clinical Teaching l. (0-0) 1 Credit Hour.

Prerequisite: Completion of all requirements for admission to the 4-8 ESL clinical teaching semester; concurrent enrollment in 9 hours of Professional Education: EDP 4203, LTED 3803, and EED 3323; a grade of "B-" or better is needed in EDP 4203, LTED 3803, and EED 3323 to be recommended for certification. Clinical teaching requires experience in a 4-8th-grade school setting and in the certification area sought under the supervision of university faculty. This is the first course in a two-semester placement in the same middle grades school. Clinical teachers are expected to attend their clinical placement at least 3 full days per week for both semesters. The clinical teacher is responsible for planning, implementing, and evaluating instruction in collaboration with the cooperating mentor teacher and in conjunction with the UTSA supervisor. Attendance at Clinical Teaching Seminar is mandatory and is required to earn credit for the course. Generally offered: Fall, Spring. Course Fee: LRH1 $20.54; STF1 $75; STSH $10.27.

CI 4651. 4-8 ELR/SS Yearlong Clinical Teaching ll. (0-0) 1 Credit Hour.

Prerequisite: Admission to the Teacher Certification Program, completion of all requirements for admission to the 4-8 clinical teaching semester, and completion of 9 semester credit hours of Professional Education: LDT 4083, CI 3663, and CI 4553; a grade of "B-" or better is needed in LDT 4083, CI 3663, and CI 4553; and a grade of "CR" is required for CI 4641 to be recommended for teacher certification. Clinical teaching requires experience in a 4-8th-grade school setting and in the certification area sought under the supervision of university faculty. This is the first course in a two-semester placement in the same middle grades school. Clinical teachers are expected to attend their clinical placement at least 3 full days per week for both semesters. The clinical teacher is responsible for planning, implementing, and evaluating instruction in collaboration with the cooperating mentor teacher and in conjunction with the UTSA supervisor. Attendance at Clinical Teaching Seminar is mandatory and is required to earn credit for the course. Generally offered: Fall, Spring. Course Fee: LRH1 $20.54; STF1 $75; STSH $10.27.

CI 4661. Secondary Yearlong Clinical Teaching I. (0-0) 1 Credit Hour.

Prerequisite: Admission to the Teacher Certification Program, completion of the clinical teaching semester, completion of CI 4200, CI 4203, and EDP 4203; can lack no more than 12 hours of content subject matter; a grade of "B-" or better in any 3-credit Secondary Methods course with the subject code of CI and a course number that begins with 42 (CI 42X3); and a grade of "CR" is required for the clinical teaching course to be recommended for teacher certification; and individuals must apply to the director of clinical teaching one semester in advance. This is the first half of the yearlong, two-semester placement in the same 7-12 school. Clinical teachers are expected to attend their clinical placement at least 3 full days per week for both semesters. Clinical teacher is responsible for planning, implementing, and evaluating instruction in collaboration with the cooperating mentor teacher and in conjunction with the UTSA supervisor. Clinical Teaching Seminar will explore issues in teaching practice. Seminar attendance is required to earn credit for the course. (Same as UTE 4646. Credit cannot be earned for both UTE 4646 and CI 4661.) Generally offered: Fall, Spring. Course Fee: LRH1 $20.54; STF1 $75; STSH $10.27.

CI 4663. Secondary Clinical Teaching. (0-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: Admission to the Teacher Certification Program, completion of the clinical teaching semester, and completion of CI 4203, any 3-credit Secondary Methods course with the subject code of CI and a course number that begins with 42 (CI 42X3), EDP 3203, EDP 4203, and LTED 3773 (English majors must take LTED 3683 instead of LTED 3773); can lack no more than 6 hours in content subject matter; a grade of "B-" or better in CI 4203, a grade of "CR" is required for the clinical teaching course to be recommended for teacher certification, and individuals must apply to the director of clinical teaching one semester in advance. This course includes a one semester, five full days a week clinical teaching placement in a high school (7-12) setting and in the certification area sought under the supervision of University faculty. Student teachers will be responsible for planning, implementing, and evaluating instruction in collaboration with the cooperating teacher and in conjunction with the UTSA supervisor. Clinical Teaching Seminar will explore issues in teaching practice. Seminar attendance is required to earn credit for the course. (Formerly CI 4643; credit cannot be earned for both CI 4643 and CI 4663.) Generally offered: Fall, Spring. Course Fee: LRH1 $20.54; STF1 $75; STSH $30.81.

CI 4666. Secondary Clinical Teaching. (0-0) 6 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: Admission to the Teacher Certification Program, completion of the clinical teaching semester, and completion of CI 4203, any 3-credit Secondary Methods course with the subject code of CI and a course number that begins with 42 (CI 42X3), EDP 3203, EDP 4203, and LTED 3773 (English majors must take LTED 3683 instead of LTED 3773); can lack no more than 6 hours in content subject matter; a grade of "B-" or better in CI 4203, a grade of "CR" is required for the clinical teaching course to be recommended for teacher certification, and individuals must apply to the director of clinical teaching one semester in advance. This course includes a one semester, five full days a week clinical teaching placement in a high school (7-12) setting and in the certification area sought under the supervision of University faculty. Clinical teachers will be responsible for will be responsible for planning, implementing, and evaluating instruction in collaboration with the cooperating teacher and in conjunction with the UTSA supervisor. Clinical Teaching Seminar will explore issues in teaching practice. Seminar attendance is required to earn credit for the course. (Formerly CI 4646; credit cannot be earned for both CI 4646 and CI 4666.) Generally offered: Fall, Spring. Course Fee: LRH1 $20.54; STF1 $75; STSH $61.62.

CI 4671. Secondary Yearlong Clinical Teaching II. (0-0) 1 Credit Hour.

Prerequisite: Admission to the Teacher Certification Program, completion of the clinical teaching semester, completion of CI 4641; CI 4203, and EDP 4203; can lack no more than 6 hours in content subject matter; a grade of "B-" or better in CI 4203 and a grade of "CR" is required for the clinical teaching course to be recommended for teacher certification; and individuals must apply to the director of clinical teaching one semester in advance. This is the second half of the yearlong, two-semester placement in the same 7-12 school. Clinical teachers are expected to attend their clinical placement at least 3 full days per week for both semesters. The clinical teacher is responsible for planning, implementing, and evaluating instruction in collaboration with the cooperating mentor teacher and in conjunction with the UTSA supervisor. The Clinical Teaching Seminar will explore issues in teaching practice. Seminar attendance is required to earn credit for the course. Generally offered: Fall, Spring. Course Fee: LRH1 $20.54; STF1 $75; STSH $10.27.

CI 4711. All Level EC12 Yearlong Clinical Teaching I. (0-0) 1 Credit Hour.

Prerequisite: Admission to the Teacher Certification Program; completion of all requirements for the All-Level clinical teaching semester; All-Level Physical Education students: Completion of CI 4313 and CI 4273 with a grade of "B-" or better and a grade of "CR" is required for the clinical teaching course to be recommended for teacher certification; All-Level Health Education students: Completion of CI 4203, and EDP 3303 with a grade of "B-" or better and a grade of "B-" or better is required for the clinical teaching course to be recommended for teacher certification; Special Education students: All courses required for the degree and certification in All-Level special education must be completed prior to clinical teaching, SPE 3653 and SPE 4653 must be completed with a grade of "B" or better to serve as prerequisites for CI 4716, and a grade of "B-" or better is required for the clinical teaching course to be recommended for teacher certification; All-Level Music students: Completion of CI 4623, CI 4213, EDP 3203, and LTED 3773, a grade of "B-" or better in CI 4203 and CI 4213, and a grade of "CR" is required for the clinical teaching course to be recommended for teacher certification; All Level Art students: Completion of all requirements for admission to the clinical teaching semester and CI 4203, EDU 2103, EDP 3203 or EDP 3303, EDP 4203, and LTED 3523 or LTED 3773, grade of "B-" or better in CI 4203, and a grade of "CR" is required for the clinical teaching course to be recommended for teacher certification; Languages other than English students: Completion of all requirements for admission to the clinical teaching semester, completion of CI 4203, EDP 3203, EDP 4203, and LTED 3773, can lack no more than 6 hours in content subject matter, a grade of "B-" or better in CI 4203, a grade of "CR" is required for the clinical teaching course to be recommended for teacher certification, and all courses for degree/certification plan must be completed prior to clinical teaching. This is the first half of the yearlong, two-semester placement in the EC-12 content area. Clinical teachers are expected to attend their clinical placement at least 3 full days per week for both semesters. The clinical teacher will be responsible for planning, implementing, and evaluating instruction in collaboration with the cooperating teacher and in conjunction with the UTSA supervisor. Meets clinical teaching requirements for the All-Level certification. Seminars explore issues in teaching practice. A grade of "CR" is required for the clinical teaching course to be recommended for teacher certification. Individuals must apply to the director of clinical teaching one semester in advance. May be repeated for credit. Generally offered: Fall, Spring. Course Fee: LRH1 $20.54; STF1 $75; STSH $30.81.

CI 4713. Clinical Teaching: All Level EC12. (0-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: Admission to the Teacher Certification Program; completion of all requirements for the All-Level clinical teaching semester; All-Level Physical Education students: Completion of CI 4313 and CI 4273 with a grade of "B-" or better and a grade of "CR" is required for the clinical teaching course to be recommended for teacher certification; All-Level Health Education students: Completion of CI 4203, and EDP 3303 with a grade of "B-" or better and a grade of "B-" or better is required for the clinical teaching course to be recommended for teacher certification; Special Education students: All courses required for the degree and certification in All-Level special education must be completed prior to clinical teaching, SPE 3653 and SPE 4653 must be completed with a grade of "B-" or better to serve as prerequisites for CI 4713, and a grade of "B-" or better is required for the clinical teaching course to be recommended for teacher certification; All-Level Music students: Completion of CI 4623, CI 4213, EDP 3203, and LTED 3773, a grade of "B-" or better in CI 4203 and CI 4213, and a grade of "CR" is required for the clinical teaching course to be recommended for teacher certification; All Level Art students: Completion of all requirements for admission to the clinical teaching semester and CI 4203, EDU 2103, EDP 3203 or EDP 3303, EDP 4203, and LTED 3523 or LTED 3773, grade of "B-" or better in CI 4203, and a grade of "CR" is required for the clinical teaching course to be recommended for teacher certification; Languages other than English students: Completion of all requirements for admission to the clinical teaching semester, completion of CI 4203, EDP 3203, EDP 4203, and LTED 3773, can lack no more than 6 hours in content subject matter, a grade of "B-" or better in CI 4203, a grade of "CR" is required for the clinical teaching course to be recommended for teacher certification, and all courses for degree/certification plan must be completed prior to clinical teaching. This course includes a one semester, five full days a week clinical teaching placement in an elementary/high school setting and in the certification area sought under the supervision of University faculty. The clinical teacher will be responsible for planning, implementing, and evaluating instruction in collaboration with the cooperating teacher and in conjunction with the UTSA supervisor. Meets clinical teaching requirements for the All-Level certification. Seminars explore issues in teaching practice. A grade of "CR" is required for the clinical teaching course to be recommended for teacher certification. Individuals must apply to the director of clinical teaching one semester in advance. May be repeated for credit. Generally offered: Fall, Spring. Course Fee: LRH1 $20.54; STF1 $75; STSH $30.81.

CI 4716. Clinical Teaching: All Level EC–12. (0-0) 6 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: Admission to the Teacher Certification Program and completion of all requirements for the All-Level clinical teaching semester; All-Level Physical Education students: Completion of CI 4313 and CI 4273 with a grade of "B-" or better and a grade of "CR" is required for the clinical teaching course to be recommended for teacher certification; All-Level Health Education students: Completion of CI 4203 and EDP 3303 with a grade of "B-" or better and a grade of "CR" is required for the clinical teaching course to be recommended for teacher certification; Special Education students: All courses required for the degree and certification in All-Level special education must be completed prior to clinical teaching, SPE 3653 and SPE 4653 must be completed with a grade of "B" or better to serve as prerequisites for CI 4716, and a grade of "CR" is required for the clinical teaching course to be recommended for teacher certification; All-Level Music students: Completion of CI 4263, CI 4213, EDP 3203, and LTED 3773, a grade of "B-" or better in CI 4203 and CI 4213, a grade of "CR" is required for the clinical teaching course to be recommended for teacher certification; All-Level Art students: Completion of all requirements for admission to the clinical teaching semester, and CI 4203, EDU 2103, EDP 3203 or EDP 3303, EDP 4203, and LTED 3523 or LTED 3773, and a grade of "B-" or better in CI 4203, a grade of "CR" is required for the clinical teaching course to be recommended for teacher certification; Languages other than English students: Completion of all requirements for admission to the clinical teaching semester and CI 4203, EDP 3203, EDP 4203, and LTED 3773, can lack no more than 6 hours in content subject matter, a grade of "B-" or better in CI 4203, and a grade of "CR" is required for the clinical teaching course to be recommended for teacher certification; all courses for degree/certification plan must be completed prior to clinical teaching. Full semester of full-day clinical teaching in an elementary or middle school setting and in a high school setting (grades 7–12) in the certification area sought. Student teacher will be responsible for planning, implementing, and evaluating instruction in collaboration with the cooperating teacher and in conjunction with the UTSA supervisor. Meets clinical teaching requirements for the All-Level certification. Seminars explore issues in teaching practice. A grade of "CR" is required for the clinical teaching course to be recommended for teacher certification. Individuals must apply to the director of clinical teaching one semester in advance. (Formerly C&I 4716. Credit cannot be earned for both CI 4716 and C&I 4716.) Generally offered: Fall, Spring. Course Fee: LRH1 $20.54; STF1 $75; STSH $61.62.

CI 4721. All Level EC12 Yearlong Clinical Teaching II. (0-0) 1 Credit Hour.

Prerequisite: Admission to the Teacher Certification Program; completion of all requirements for the All-Level clinical teaching semester; All-Level Physical Education students: Completion of CI 4313 and CI 4273 with a grade of "B-" or better and a grade of "CR" is required for the clinical teaching course to be recommended for teacher certification; All-Level Health Education students: Completion of CI 4203, and EDP 3303 with a grade of "B-" or better and a grade of "B-" or better is required for the clinical teaching course to be recommended for teacher certification; Special Education students: All courses required for the degree and certification in All-Level special education must be completed prior to clinical teaching, SPE 3653 and SPE 4653 must be completed with a grade of "B" or better to serve as prerequisites for CI 4716, and a grade of "B-" or better is required for the clinical teaching course to be recommended for teacher certification; All-Level Music students: Completion of CI 4623, CI 4213, EDP 3203, and LTED 3773, a grade of "B-" or better in CI 4203 and CI 4213, and a grade of "CR" is required for the clinical teaching course to be recommended for teacher certification; All Level Art students: Completion of all requirements for admission to the clinical teaching semester and CI 4203, EDU 2103, EDP 3203 or EDP 3303, EDP 4203, and LTED 3523 or LTED 3773, grade of "B-" or better in CI 4203, and a grade of "CR" is required for the clinical teaching course to be recommended for teacher certification; Languages other than English students: Completion of all requirements for admission to the clinical teaching semester, completion of CI 4203, EDP 3203, EDP 4203, and LTED 3773, can lack no more than 6 hours in content subject matter, a grade of "B-" or better in CI 4203, a grade of "CR" is required for the clinical teaching course to be recommended for teacher certification, and all courses for degree/certification plan must be completed prior to clinical teaching. This is the second half of the yearlong, two-semester placement in the EC-12 content area. Clinical teachers are expected to attend their clinical placement at least 3 full days per week for both semesters. The clinical teacher will be responsible for planning, implementing, and evaluating instruction in collaboration with the cooperating teacher and in conjunction with the UTSA supervisor. Meets clinical teaching requirements for the All-Level certification. Seminars explore issues in teaching practice. A grade of "CR" is required for the clinical teaching course to be recommended for teacher certification. Individuals must apply to the director of clinical teaching one semester in advance. May be repeated for credit. Generally offered: Fall, Spring. Course Fee: LRH1 $20.54; STF1 $75; STSH $30.81.

CI 4723. Clinical Teaching II: All Level EC-12. (0-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: Admission to the Teacher Certification Program; completion of all requirements for the All-Level clinical teaching semester; All-Level Physical Education students: Completion of CI 4313 and CI 4273 with a grade of "B-" or better and a grade of "CR" is required for the clinical teaching course to be recommended for teacher certification; All-Level Health Education students: Completion of CI 4203, and EDP 3303 with a grade of "B-" or better and a grade of "B-" or better is required for the clinical teaching course to be recommended for teacher certification; Special Education students: All courses required for the degree and certification in All-Level special education must be completed prior to clinical teaching, SPE 3653 and SPE 4653 must be completed with a grade of "B-" or better to serve as prerequisites for CI 4713, and a grade of "B-" or better is required for the clinical teaching course to be recommended for teacher certification; All-Level Music students: Completion of CI 4623, CI 4213, EDP 3203, and LTED 3773, a grade of "B-" or better in CI 4203 and CI 4213, and a grade of "CR" is required for the clinical teaching course to be recommended for teacher certification; All Level Art students: Completion of all requirements for admission to the clinical teaching semester and CI 4203, EDU 2103, EDP 3203 or EDP 3303, EDP 4203, and LTED 3523 or LTED 3773, grade of "B-" or better in CI 4203, and a grade of "CR" is required for the clinical teaching course to be recommended for teacher certification; Languages other than English students: Completion of all requirements for admission to the clinical teaching semester, completion of CI 4203, EDP 3203, EDP 4203, and LTED 3773, can lack no more than 6 hours in content subject matter, a grade of "B-" or better in CI 4203, a grade of "CR" is required for the clinical teaching course to be recommended for teacher certification, and all courses for degree/certification plan must be completed prior to clinical teaching. Will be repeated for two long semesters and requires half-day clinical teaching in an elementary or middle school setting and in a high school setting (grades 7–12) in the certification area sought under the supervision of University faculty. The student teacher will be responsible for planning, implementing, and evaluating instruction in collaboration with the cooperating teacher and in conjunction with the UTSA supervisor. Meets clinical teaching requirements for the All-Level certification. Seminars explore issues in teaching practice. A grade of "CR" is required for the clinical teaching course to be recommended for teacher certification. Individuals must apply to the director of clinical teaching one semester in advance. May be repeated for credit. Generally offered: Fall, Spring. Course Fee: LRH1 $20.54; STF1 $75; STSH $30.81.

CI 4731. 4-8 MA/SCI Yearlong Clinical Teaching l. (0-0) 1 Credit Hour.

Prerequisite: Admission to the Teacher Certification Program; completion of all requirements for admission to the second 4-8 ESL clinical teaching semester, and concurrent enrollment in 9 semester credit hours of Professional Education: EDP 4203, ESL 3073, and EED 3323; a grade of "B-" or better in EDP 4203, ESL 3073, and EED 3323; a grade of "CR" is required for CI 4612 to be recommended for teacher certification; individuals must apply to the director of clinical teaching one semester in advance. The clinical teacher will be responsible for planning, implementing, and evaluating instruction in collaboration with the cooperating teacher and in conjunction with the UTSA supervisor. Seminars explore issues in teaching practice. Generally offered: Fall, Spring. Course Fee: LRH1 $20.54; STF1 $75; STSH $10.27.

CI 4911. Independent Study. (0-0) 1 Credit Hour.

Prerequisites: Permission in writing (form available) from the instructor, the student’s advisor, the Department Chair, and the Dean of the College in which the course is offered. Independent reading, research, discussion, and/or writing under the direction of a faculty member. May be repeated for credit, but not more than 6 semester credit hours of independent study, regardless of discipline, will apply to a bachelor’s degree. (Formerly C&I 4911.) Course Fee: STSH $10.27.

CI 4912. Independent Study. (0-0) 2 Credit Hours.

Prerequisites: Permission in writing (form available) from the instructor, the student’s advisor, the Department Chair, and the Dean of the College in which the course is offered. Independent reading, research, discussion, and/or writing under the direction of a faculty member. May be repeated for credit, but not more than 6 semester credit hours of independent study, regardless of discipline, will apply to a bachelor’s degree. (Formerly C&I 4912.) Course Fee: STSH $20.54.

CI 4913. Independent Study. (0-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisites: Permission in writing (form available) from the instructor, the student’s advisor, the Department Chair, and the Dean of the College in which the course is offered. Independent reading, research, discussion, and/or writing under the direction of a faculty member. May be repeated for credit, but not more than 6 semester credit hours of independent study, regardless of discipline, will apply to a bachelor’s degree. (Formerly C&I 4913.) Course Fee: STSH $30.81.

CI 4923. Residency Internship in Education. (0-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisites: Admission to the Teacher Certification Program, a bachelor's degree, completion of all coursework requirements for the certification program, or candidate admitted into Residency 2.0; consent of the Interdisciplinary Education and Certification Center; and consent of the director of clinical teaching. Internships to be jointly supervised by an employing school district and UTSA. Experiences will relate to the intern as the teacher-of-record in the classroom. A grade of "CR" is required for CI 4923 to be recommended for teacher certification. May be repeated for credit. (Formerly C&I 4923. Credit cannot be earned for both C&I 4923 and CI 4923.) Course Fees: LRH1 $20.54; STSH $30.81.

CI 4926. Residency Internship in Education. (0-0) 6 Credit Hours.

Prerequisites: Admission to the Teacher Certification Program, a bachelor’s degree, completion of all coursework requirements for the certification program, or candidate admitted into Residency 2.0; consent of the Interdisciplinary Education Advising and Certification Center; and consent of the director of clinical teaching. Internships to be jointly supervised by an employing school district and UTSA. Experiences will relate to the intern as the teacher-of-record in the classroom. A grade of "CR" is required for CI 4926 to be recommended for teacher certification. (Formerly C&I 4926. Credit cannot be earned for both C&I 4926 and CI 4926.) May be repeated for credit. Course Fees: LRH1 $20.54; STF1 $75; STSH $61.62.