Bicultural Bilingual Studies (BBL)

Bicultural Bilingual Studies (BBL) Courses

BBL 2003. Language, Culture, and Society. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours. (TCCN = ANTH 2351)

The interdisciplinary study of language in its cultural and social contexts, with emphasis on linguistically diverse communities. Topics include language and ethnicity, language and gender, language and social class, language acquisition, oral and written language, and language variation and change. May be applied toward the Core Curriculum requirement in Social and Behavioral Sciences, which includes quantitative data analysis. Generally offered: Fall, Spring. Course Fees: LRC1 $12; LRH1 $20.54; STSH $30.81; DL01 $75.

BBL 2023. Latino Cultural Expressions. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours. (TCCN = HUMA 1311)

An introductory overview of Hispanic visual, performing, and folk arts from their origins in the Iberian Peninsula, through the later blending of cultures and their parallelism during revolutionary periods, to contemporary Latino expressions in the United States. May be applied toward the Core Curriculum requirement in Creative Arts. (Same as MAS 2023. Credit cannot be earned for both BBL 2023 and MAS 2023.) Generally offered: Fall, Spring. Course Fees: DL01 $75; LRC1 $12; LRH1 $20.54; STSH $30.81.

BBL 2123. Diversity in Early Childhood. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Study of diversity within early childhood contexts including culture, language, traditions, beliefs, family structure, socioeconomic background, ability, and national origin within the U.S. and the world. (Same as ECE 2123. Credit cannot be earned for both BBL 2123 and ECE 2123.) Course Fees: LRH1 $20.54; STSH $30.81.

BBL 2243. Bilingual Families, Communities, and Schools: National and Transnational Experiences. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours. (TCCN = ANTH 2351)

Examines families, communities, and schools to support the achievement of Latinx bilingual children. Explores the historical, political, and social factors influencing access to a quality education for immigrant learners. Topics include: citizenship, cultural preservation, and biculturalism. May be applied toward the Core Curriculum requirement in Social and Behavioral Sciences. Course Fees: LRC1 $12; LRH1 $20.54; STSH $30.81.

BBL 3013. Language Analysis and Bilingualism. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Survey of concepts in descriptive and contrastive linguistics; analysis of language contact phenomena, including cross-linguistic transfer, language alternation, and bilingualism. Taught in Spanish and English. Generally offered: Fall, Spring, Summer. Course Fees: LRH1 $20.54; STSH $30.81; DL01 $75.

BBL 3033. Mexican Americans in the Southwest. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Historical foundations of the United States–Mexico biculturalism in the Southwest. An examination of the historical forces that created and shaped the Mexican American people as a bicultural community. Attention is given to Mexican American contributions in arts, economics, literature, and politics. (Same as MAS 3033. Credit cannot be earned for both BBL 3033 and MAS 3033.) Generally offered: Fall, Spring. Course Fees: LRH1 $20.54; STSH $30.81; DL01 $75.

BBL 3053. Foundations of Bilingual Studies. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Investigation of the philosophies and theories of schooling in bilingual societies, with focus on language policy and the sociological, psychological, and legal aspects involved. Field experience is required. Generally offered: Fall, Spring. Course Fees: LRH1 $20.54; STF1 $75; STSH $30.81; DL01 $75.

BBL 3063. Historical Legacies: Chicanas/os in Education. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.

This course presents key texts that are central to the study of Chicanas/os in education. This course critically examines the historical legacies and contemporary experiences of Chicana/o children and youth in U.S. educational institutions. The course will present various theoretical perspectives that problematize the pervasive history of educational inequality and patterns of academic attainment and achievement throughout the educational pipeline. Special attention will be given to the pervasive history of segregation, tracking, language oppression, and assimilationist ideologies and practices, as well as the current struggles for educational justice in Chicana/o schools and communities. (Same as MAS 3063. Credit cannot be earned for both BBL 3063 and MAS 3063.) Course Fees: LRH1 $20.54; STSH $30.81.

BBL 3123. Mexican American Culture. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.

A survey of Mexican American cultural distinctiveness in the areas of biculturalism, cultural production, and social organization. Topics may include family and kinship, folklore, health, language, music, and religion. (BBL 3023 in previous catalogs. Same as MAS 3123. Credit can be earned for only one of the following: BBL 3023, BBL 3123, or MAS 3123.) Generally offered: Fall, Spring, Summer. Course Fees: LRH1 $20.54; STSH $30.81; DL01 $75.

BBL 3133. Language Development in Bilinguals. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.

A study of bilingual language development in its social and cultural contexts. Emphasis on factors affecting successful bilingual language development in schools and communities. Generally offered: Fall, Spring. Course Fees: LRH1 $20.54; STSH $30.81; DL01 $75.

BBL 3143. Children’s Literature for Bilingual Learners. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Designed to familiarize students with oral and written children’s literature in bilingual programs. Focus is on bilingual students’ affective, linguistic, and literacy needs through appropriate instruction with authentic literature. Emphasis on Mexican American cultural experiences as well as universal themes. Taught in Spanish and English. Generally offered: Fall and Spring. Course Fees: LRH1 $20.54; STSH $30.81; DL01 $75.

BBL 3403. Cultural and Linguistic Equity for Schooling. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Examination of sociolinguistic and sociocultural principles central to culturally diverse settings, including the classroom. Topics include educational equity, segregated schooling, the achievement gap, structural and institutional barriers faced by communities of color. Various pedagogical practices will be explored to identify culturally inclusive responses. Field experience required. Generally offered: Fall, Spring, Summer. Course Fees: DL01 $75; LRH1 $20.54; STSH $30.81.

BBL 3823. Reading Comprehension in Bilingual Settings. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisites: Admission to the Bilingual Teacher Certification Program, BBL 3053, and ECE 3143; must be taken concurrently with BBL 4033 and EED 3110 for Bilingual EC–6 Teacher Certification majors. Study of the reading comprehension process, including how textual, reader, psychological, contextual, and cultural factors affect understanding of text for bilingual children. Emphasis is placed on cognitive reading strategies for comprehending narrative and expository text. Emphasis is also placed on strategies for teaching and evaluating vocabulary, comprehension, and thinking skills in the content areas. Field experience is required. Taught in Spanish. For EC–6 bilingual teacher candidates, this course must be completed with a grade of "B-" or better for it to serve as a prerequisite for CI 4611. Restricted course; advisor code required for registration. Generally offered: Fall, Spring. Course Fees: LRH1 $20.54; STF1 $75; STSH $30.81; DL01 $75.

BBL 4003. Spanish for Bilingual Instructional Delivery. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Designed to improve the Spanish proficiencies of bilingual classroom teachers. Study of the grammar, writing conventions, and vocabulary for effective communication and instructional delivery in a formal bilingual classroom setting. Taught in Spanish. Generally offered: Fall, Spring, Summer. Course Fees: LRH1 $20.54; STSH $30.81; DL01 $75.

BBL 4013. Advanced Spanish for Bilingual Teaching and Learning. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: BBL 4003 or departmental permission. Advanced study of formal academic Spanish for future bilingual educators. Extensive practice in reading and creating authentic didactic materials, instructional delivery, and effective communication with Spanish-speaking parents and community members. Taught in Spanish. Generally offered: Fall, Spring, Summer. Course Fees: LRH1 $20.54; STSH $30.81; DL01 $75.

BBL 4033. Equitable Assessment for Teaching and Learning in Bicultural-Bilingual Classrooms. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: Admission to the Bilingual Teacher Certification Program, BBL 3053, and ECE 3143; must be taken concurrently with BBL 3823 and EED 3220 for Bilingual EC–6 Teacher Certification majors. A survey of learning and motivation theory and examination of equitable evaluation and assessment procedures in bicultural-bilingual settings, including formal and informal assessment of language proficiency and learning for instructional purposes. The appropriate use of standardized tests with language minority populations will be included. Field experience is required. Taught in Spanish. For EC–6 bilingual teacher candidates, this course must be completed with a grade of "B-" or better for it to serve as a prerequisite for CI 4611. Restricted course; advisor code required for registration. Generally offered: Fall, Spring. Course Fee: LRH1 $20.54; STF1 $75; STSH $30.81.

BBL 4043. Dual Language Education in Early Childhood. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Appropriate bilingual programs and pedagogical strategies for young children. Special emphasis on immersion programs and the effects on children’s development. Course Fees: LRH1 $20.54; STF1 $75; STSH $30.81.

BBL 4063. Bicultural-Bilingual Approaches to Teaching Social Studies and Integrating Other Content Areas. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: Admission to the Bilingual Teacher Certification Program, BBL 3823 and BBL 4033. Corequisites: For Bilingual EC–6 Teacher Certification majors: CI 4621, ESL 3023, and LTED 3813. An investigation of appropriate first language usage in bilingual classrooms, focusing on the different content areas with an emphasis on social studies, appropriate terminology for native language instruction, and the application of different strategies to use with bilingual learners. Field experience is required. Taught in Spanish. For EC–6 or 4-8 bilingual teacher candidates, this course must be completed with a grade of "B-" or better. Restricted course; advisor code required for registration. Generally offered: Fall, Spring. Course Fee: LRH1 $20.54; STF1 $75; STSH $30.81; DL01 $75.

BBL 4073. Bicultural-Bilingual Approaches to Teaching Language Arts. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: Admission to the Bilingual Teacher Certification Program, BBL 3823, BBL 4033, and successful completion of the ALPS (Assessment of Language Proficiency in Spanish) sequence. Corequisites: For Bilingual EC-6 certification students: BBL 4353, BBL 4403, and CI 4611. An examination of theories, reading processes, instructional strategies, texts, and materials for biliteracy development in the bilingual classroom. Emphasis on the integrated use of listening, speaking, reading, and writing in content area teaching as well as attention to readers from various sociocultural contexts and abilities. Field experience is required. Taught in Spanish. For EC–6 or 4-8 bilingual teacher candidates, this course must be completed with a grade of "B-" or better for it to serve as a prerequisite for CI 4621. Restricted course; advisor code required for registration. Generally offered: Fall, Spring. (Formerly ABL 4073. Credit cannot be earned for both ABL 4073 and BBL 4073.) Course Fee: LRH1 $20.54; STF1 $75; STSH $30.81; DL01 $75.

BBL 4353. Bicultural-Bilingual Approaches to Teaching Science EC-6. (2-3) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisites: Admission to the Bilingual Teacher Certification Program, BBL 3823, BBL 4033, and successful completion of the ALPS (Assessment of Language Proficiency in Spanish) sequence; for Bilingual EC–6 Teacher Certification majors: must be taken concurrently with BBL 4073, BBL 4403, and CI 4611. A study of pedagogical approaches, materials, and resources designed to support children’s meaningful exploration, discovery, and construction of basic concepts and skills in EC–Grade 6. Emphasis in the course will be on the interrelatedness of science in the daily lives of students, unifying concepts and processes common to all sciences, development of effective learning environments for science both inside and outside of the classroom, planning and implementation of inquiry-based science lessons, assessment of student learning, and the use of an integrated approach to teaching. Field experience is required. Taught in Spanish. For EC–6 bilingual teacher candidates, this course must be completed with a grade of "B-" or better for it to serve as a prerequisite for CI 4621. Restricted course; advisor code required for registration. Generally offered: Fall, Spring. Course Fees: LRH1 $20.54; STF1 $75; STSH $30.81.

BBL 4403. Bicultural-Bilingual Approaches to Teaching Mathematics EC-6. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisites: Admission to the Bilingual Teacher Certification Program, BBL 3823, BBL 4033, and successful completion of the ALPS (Assessment of Language Proficiency in Spanish) sequence; must be taken concurrently with BBL 4073, BBL 4353, and CI 4611 for Bilingual EC–6 Teacher Certification majors. This course involves the study of instructional methods and materials that support diverse children’s meaningful exploration, discovery, and development of basic concepts and skills in mathematics from EC–Grade 6. Emphasizing a constructivist approach to the teaching and learning of mathematics, this course also advances the use of technology to facilitate mathematics understanding. Attention will be given to understanding the interrelatedness of mathematics and other content areas, creating effective learning environments, planning and implementing lesson plans to meet the differentiated needs of a wide variety of learners, and assessing student learning in mathematics. Restricted course; advisor code required for registration. Field experience is required. Taught in Spanish. For EC–6 bilingual teacher candidates, this course must be completed with a grade of "B-" or better for it to serve as a prerequisite for CI 4621. Restricted course; advisor code required for registration. Generally offered: Fall, Spring. Course Fees: LRH1 $20.54; STF1 $75; STSH $30.81.

BBL 4913. Independent Study. (0-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisites: Permission in writing (form available) from the instructor, the student’s advisor, and the Department Chair in which the course is offered. Independent reading, research, discussion, and/or writing under the direction of a faculty member. May be repeated for credit, but not more than 6 semester credit hours of independent study, regardless of discipline, will apply to a bachelor’s degree. Course Fee: STSH $30.81.

BBL 4953. Special Studies in Bilingual and Bicultural Studies. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. An organized course offering the opportunity for specialized study not normally or not often available as part of the regular course offerings. Special Studies may be repeated for credit when the topics vary, but not more than 6 semester credit hours, regardless of discipline, will apply to a bachelor’s degree. To apply credit earned in BBL 4953 toward a minor, consent of the academic advisor is required. Course Fees: LRH1 $20.54; STSH $30.81.