4. Carlos Alvarez College of Business

Mission Statement 

The Carlos Alvarez College of Business is dedicated to creating and sharing knowledge that enhances the translation of theory to practice. The College combines rigor with relevance and provides innovative solutions to global business challenges. 

General Information

The Carlos Alvarez College of Business welcomes all students dedicated to academic success in the study of business. The College is accredited by AACSB (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business) International and is one of a select group of programs internationally with separate accreditation at the undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral levels in accounting.

Students who graduate from the Carlos Alvarez College of Business will enter a dynamic employment market that values graduates with market-based skills. To meet the demands of our students and the employment market, the College offers 15 undergraduate majors. Additionally, students can select from 14 different minors to augment the knowledge and skills acquired in their major. The College also offers seven supporting business competencies that are multidisciplinary sets of electives combined to create valuable skills. Finally, the College currently offers three undergraduate certificate programs.

The preponderance of our undergraduate courses are offered in a traditional classroom setting, which exploits current technologies through the use of a learning management system and contemporary classrooms. We are also greatly expanding student access to online courses, especially for the Common Body of Knowledge (CBK) courses, as well as the online B.B.A. in Cyber Security.

UTSA business students receive a high-quality education that provides them not only with the knowledge to succeed in their careers, but also with the professional development, experiential learning opportunities, and technical and marketable skills necessary to advance and become dynamic business leaders.

Carlos Alvarez College of Business Undergraduate Admission Policy

The Carlos Alvarez College of Business at UTSA seeks to enable qualified students to acquire business and technical skills to meet the evolving demands of employers and stakeholders in Texas and beyond. Students who meet direct admission requirements may declare a B.B.A. (all majors), B.A. in Economics, B.S. in Statistics and Data Science, or B.S. in Applied Cyber Analytics.  Students who do not meet direct admission requirements will remain in Business Studies until the requirements are met. Students pursuing specific business majors may have to satisfy additional academic requirements to complete their degree programs.

Direct Admission Criteria

All applicants seeking to declare a business major must meet all undergraduate UTSA admission requirements and have completed MAT 1053 Mathematics for Business (TCCN: MATH 1324), an approved equivalent, or a higher-level course with a grade of "C-" or better. Admission requirements are reviewed at the time of application to UTSA. Only official transcripts will be accepted for admission decisions. 

New incoming first-time freshmen, freshmen transfer, and transfer students who do not meet the direct admission requirements will be evaluated for admission to the college at the end of the semester in which they complete MAT 1053, an approved equivalent course, or a higher-level math course with a “C-“ or higher. Students must be in good academic standing to be admitted to the college. Equivalent credit for MAT 1053 can include dual credit courses, placement exams, or other exams for college credit (Advanced Placement, CLEP, DANTES) if they meet approved UTSA scores. Students are encouraged to consider a placement test to enroll in the most advanced math for which they may qualify. Students do not earn college credit for placement exams. Visit the UTSA Testing website for more information.

Students have three semesters to complete the college math admission requirement. Students pursuing a business degree who are unable to successfully complete MAT 1053 or an equivalent math course within three semesters will be required to change their major outside of the Alvarez College of Business. Students will be changed from Business Studies to Undeclared and will not be eligible for an undergraduate degree in the College of Business.

Students applying to an undergraduate business self-supporting online degree program in the Alvarez College of Business will satisfy the same requirements for admission required of regular on-campus students (Chapter 4, Subchapter Q, section 4.275 (6), THECB).

Internal Transfers

Current UTSA students seeking to change their major to B.B.A. (all majors), B.A. in Economics, B.S. in Statistics and Data Science, or B.S. in Applied Cyber Analytics must have a 2.0 UTSA GPA and have completed MAT 1053 (TCCN: MATH 1324), an approved equivalent course, or a higher-level mathematics course with a C- or higher to declare their major in the Alvarez College of Business. Prospective business college majors may submit the Change of Major Appointment Request Form to their primary academic advisor.

Business Math Gateway Course

Students pursuing a Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.) degree (all majors except Actuarial Science) or a Bachelor of Arts in Economics, whether they are a declared major or a Business Studies pathway student, must successfully complete the business math gateway course MAT 1053 (TCCN MATH 1324) or equivalent with a grade of "C-" or better in no more than two attempts. Students who are unable to successfully complete this course within two attempts, including dropping the course with a grade of “W,” or taking an equivalent course at another institution, will be required to change their major outside of the Alvarez College of Business. Upon the second failed attempt, students will be changed from Business Studies to Undeclared and will not be eligible for an undergraduate degree in the College of Business.

Business students must register for a required mathematics course every semester beginning with their first semester of enrollment until the math requirements (MAT 1053 and MAT 1133) are fulfilled.

Academic Standing for Declared Business Majors

Carlos Alvarez College of Business majors (B.B.A. degrees, B.A. degree in Economics, B.S. degree in Statistics and Data Science, and B.S. degree in Applied Cyber Analytics) must maintain good academic standing. This requires that students must maintain a UTSA grade point average of at least 2.0 every semester and meet all University regulations related to good academic standing. Students on probation with UTSA may remain in the Carlos Alvarez College of Business.

In order to graduate, all majors must maintain both a UTSA and a major GPA of 2.0 or higher.

Minors in the Carlos Alvarez College of Business

The following minors are open to any UTSA major:

Actuarial Science, Cyber Security, Digital Forensics, Economics, Information Systems, Operations and Supply Chain Management, Marketing, Cloud and Data Center Management, Sports Management, and Statistics.

The following minor is open to B.B.A. majors only:


The following minors are open to nonbusiness majors, B.A. in Economics majors, B.S. in Applied Cyber Analytics, and B.S. in Statistics and Data Science majors only:

Business Administration and Technology Management for Nonbusiness Majors.

Students with majors outside of the Carlos Alvarez College of Business may not seek more than one business minor.

Common Body of Knowledge (CBK)

All students seeking a B.B.A. degree in the Carlos Alvarez College of Business must complete the following Common Body of Knowledge (CBK) courses in addition to the Core Curriculum. Students completing degree course requirements with fewer than 120 semester credit hours will augment their program with electives.

ACC 2013Principles of Accounting I3
ACC 2033Principles of Accounting II3
ECO 2013Introductory Macroeconomics3
ECO 2023Introductory Microeconomics (satisfies Social and Behavioral Sciences Core Curriculum requirement)3
FIN 3013Principles of Business Finance3
GBA 2013Legal, Social and Ethical Issues in Business3
IS 1403Business Information Systems Fluency3
or IS 1413 Excel for Business Information Systems
IS 3003Principles of Information Systems for Management3
MAT 1053Mathematics for Business (satisfies Mathematics Core Curriculum requirement; this course is not required for Actuarial Science majors) 13
MAT 1133Calculus for Business (satisfies Mathematics or Component Area Option Core Curriculum requirement; Actuarial Science majors must take MAT 1213 in lieu of MAT 1133)3
MGT 3003Business Communication and Professional Development3
MGT 3013Introduction to Organization Theory, Behavior, and Management3
MGT 4893Management Strategy (taken in semester of graduation)3
MKT 3013Principles of Marketing3
MS 1023Business Statistics with Computer Applications I (Actuarial Science majors must take STA 3003 in lieu of MS 1023)3
MS 3043Business Statistics with Computer Applications II (Actuarial Science majors must take STA 3513 in lieu of MS 3043)3
MS 3053Management Science and Operations Technology3
Note: Students majoring in Actuarial Science, Economics, Finance, Operations and Supply Chain Management and Business Analytics are strongly encouraged to select IS 1413 Excel for Business Information Systems. IS 1413 is required for Accounting majors.

Students may elect to substitute MAT 1093 Precalculus for MAT 1053 Mathematics for Business. Students electing to take MAT 1093 will need to meet prerequisites or achieve satisfactory performance on a placement examination. Visit UTSA Testing Services for more information regarding math placement exams.

Supporting Business Competencies in the Carlos Alvarez College of Business

Students admitted to the Carlos Alvarez College of Business will have the opportunity to complete a supporting business competency. A supporting business competency is a multidisciplinary collection of elective courses which together provide the student with an opportunity to pursue a specialized market-based skill. Supporting business competencies will not appear as a credential on student transcripts. The College currently offers the following seven supporting business competencies.

Students interested in pursuing a business competency should consider and integrate any prerequisite courses into their degree plans. 

Analytics (9 semester credit hours) – Students who complete the Analytics competency will prepare to properly collect, process, and analyze data; generate and interpret results, and draw and communicate informed conclusions in order to support business and economic decision-making.

Select three courses from the following:

ACC 3163Quantitative Analysis for Accountants3
ECO 3123Introduction to Econometrics3
FIN 3063Computer Modeling of Financial Applications3
MKT 4953Special Studies in Marketing3
MS 3003Visualization in Business Analytics3
MS 3073Business Intelligence and Analytics3
MS 3083Data Management for Business Analytics3
MS 4323Analytics with Spreadsheet and Simulation in Business3
FIN 4553Data Analytics in Finance3
MKT 4453Marketing Analytics3

Business Research (9 semester credit hours) – The Business Research competency is designed for students who would like to explore a future career in academe, research, or consulting. It provides students an outstanding opportunity to develop their research acumen. Students who complete the Business Research competency will enhance their understanding of the nature of research and the process to prepare for subsequent study in a doctoral program.

Select three courses from the following:

GBA 3013Introduction to Academic Research3
And either:
GBA 4023Conducting Cutting Edge and Innovative Research and Discovery3
GBA 4033Communication and Visualization of Impactful Research3
GBA 4993Honors Thesis (repeated)6

Entrepreneurship (9 semester credit hours) – Students who complete the Entrepreneurship competency will prepare to participate in the creation, launch, and management of new business ventures.

Select three courses from the following:

ENT 3123Innovation and Entrepreneurship3
And two of the following:
BLW 3013Business Law for Small Business Owners3
ENT 4123Commercialization and Enterprise Planning3
ENT 4903Business Venture Practicum3
FIN 4333Business Finance for Entrepreneurs3
MKT 4053Innovation and New Product Development3
MOT 4023Essentials of Technology Management3

International Business (9 semester credit hours) – Students who complete the International Business competency will prepare to understand international marketing, strategic, financial, and economic issues that confront managers of multinational enterprises.

Select three courses from the following:

ECO 3193International Economics3
FIN 4613Introduction to International Finance3
GBA 4873Global Business Immersion I3
MGT 4073International Management3
MGT 4083Comparative International Management Practices3
MKT 4073International Marketing3

Leading Change (9 semester credit hours) – Students who complete the Leading Change competency will prepare to lead teams of professionals to plan projects, deliver solutions, and improve efficiency and effectiveness in the contemporary organization.

Select three courses from the following:

MGT 4923Leading Organizations and Making Decisions3
And two of the following:
MGT 4433Introduction to Business Negotiations3
MGT 4943Managing Teams and Conflict3
MOT 4143Introduction to Project Management3
MS 4313Six Sigma and Lean Operations3

Modeling (9 semester credit hours) – Students who complete the Modeling competency will prepare to perform through proper use of quantitative and computer models, problem-solving, and decision analysis in support of business functions in a real-world environment.

Select three courses from the following:

ECO 3123Introduction to Econometrics3
FIN 3063Computer Modeling of Financial Applications3
MS 3063Decision Support Systems3
MS 4383Predictive Operational Analytics3
MS 4323Analytics with Spreadsheet and Simulation in Business3

Risk Management (9 semester credit hours) – Students who complete the Risk Management competency will prepare to identify sources of risk in an enterprise and manage this risk in a prudent manner.

Select three courses from the following:

FIN 4523Introduction to Risk Management3
FIN 4813Property-Liability Insurance Finance3
FIN 4823Life and Health Insurance Finance3
FIN 3453Derivative Markets3

Enrollment in Business Courses

In response to legislative and employer demands for graduates with marketable skills, students in any UTSA major may register for the following upper-division courses:

ENT 3123Innovation and Entrepreneurship3
FIN 3053Introduction to Personal Finance3
MGT 3023Understanding People and Organizations3
MGT 4103Introduction to Healthcare Management3
MKT 4253Digital Marketing3
MKT 3063Professional Selling3
MKT 4033Social Media Marketing3
MOT 4023Essentials of Technology Management3
MOT 4143Introduction to Project Management3
MS 3003Visualization in Business Analytics3
MS 3083Data Management for Business Analytics3
MS 4313Six Sigma and Lean Operations3
MS 4323Analytics with Spreadsheet and Simulation in Business3
RFD 3523Real Estate Law3

Additionally, students pursuing any minor or certificate in the Carlos Alvarez College of Business for which they qualify may enroll in any of the upper-division business courses required by the minor or certificate.  

Finally, students in any UTSA major may enroll in FIN 3003, MGT 3013MKT 3013, and any Statistics (prefix: STA) course and Economics (prefix: ECO) course as long as they satisfy the course prerequisites. Otherwise, all courses at the 3000- and 4000-level are restricted to Carlos Alvarez College of Business majors or to students who require the courses for their particular degree. Students outside the College may petition to enroll in other 3000- and 4000-level courses. Evaluation of all petitions to enroll in major-restricted courses will consider (a) whether the course applies to their degree plan, (b) whether the student meets all prerequisites, and (c) the availability of seats. All petitions must be approved by the appropriate Department Chair and College Dean. 

Enrollment in ACC 2033 Principles of Accounting II and MGT 3003 Business Communication and Professional Development are restricted to students in Business Studies and declared business majors only .

Students majoring in fields outside the College may not take more than 27 semester credit hours in the College without the approval of the Associate Dean of Undergraduate Studies of the Carlos Alvarez College of Business. The College reserves the right to restrict business courses (excluding core curriculum courses) to declared business majors in order to meet student demand and so that students can register for courses to ensure timely graduation.

ACC 2003, FIN 3003, and ECO 2003 are courses that may not be applied toward a B.B.A. degree, and grades earned in these courses will not be included in the major GPA.

All degrees in the Carlos Alvarez College of Business require 120 hours. If a student elects to take a course that satisfies both a University Core Curriculum and College requirements, students may need to take an additional course to meet the 120 hours.

Carlos Alvarez College of Business Academic Credit Internship Policy

An academic credit internship requires a student to perform scholarly work in conjunction with a paid internship. The academic internship must be supervised by a faculty member, and the scope and nature of the scholarly work must be defined and approved by the faculty member before the student can register for an academic credit internship.

The policy for undergraduate students to enroll in internships for academic credit includes the following provisions:

  1. The student must be a declared major and in good academic standing at UTSA and in the Carlos Alvarez College of Business.
  2. The student must:
    1. Have completed a minimum of 60 semester credit hours, of which a minimum of 15 credit hours have been completed at UTSA.
    2. Meet all internship course prerequisites, including the minimum grade point average required for enrolling in the internship.
  3. The internship must be in (or related to) the student’s declared major. The student should consult their major degree requirements for specific details.
  4. Internships at all for-profit companies must be paid at an hourly rate equivalent to the minimum wage or higher to be in compliance with the Department of Labor guidelines.
  5. Each student must meet the requirements of their catalog of graduation regarding the total number of semester credit hours that may be earned through internships for academic credit, and meet the following provisions:
    1. Each 3-credit-hour academic internship must be completed with a different company/organization.
    2. An academic credit internship with a firm at which a student is currently employed may be considered, but only if clear evidence shows that the internship is substantially and programmatically different from such employment.
  6. The internship must last at least 160 work hours within the term of enrollment in which the student is seeking academic credit. 
  7. Internships must be professional in nature, and certain types of work experiences are not eligible for credit:
    1. Self-employment.
    2. Work performed by a student’s family-owned or managed business.
    3. Training activities. Examples include preparing for insurance/securities license exams.
  8. A virtual internship may be authorized. A review will be required if the work is performed at an employer’s registered private residential address.

Independent Study

In order to qualify for an independent study, students must have a UTSA GPA of 3.0 and permission in writing from the instructor, Department Chair, and the Associate Dean of Undergraduate Studies in addition to any departmental prerequisites. See the Office of the Registrar for the required forms.

Laptop Policy

Students enrolled in the Carlos Alvarez College of Business are required to own a laptop that meets minimum program specifications. Minimum specifications for each program are available on the College website.


The Carlos Alvarez College of Business has many scholarships available to assist students in reaching their educational and career goals. The scholarship program within the College is managed generally by the Office of the Dean. Students should visit the website for information and application procedures for all scholarships within the College. Detailed information and eligibility requirements for specific scholarships administered through the College are available at https://business.utsa.edu/scholarships/. Additional scholarship information is available through the UTSA Scholarship Office. The number and amounts of scholarship awards vary. Additionally, scholarship eligibility requirements differ but may include considerations of grade point average, financial need, number of semester credit hours completed, enrollment status, activities, residency status, or bilingualism. Students must complete the application process and submit the required documentation by the deadlines stated on the application materials. Students will be considered for all awards for which they meet the eligibility criteria. Award amounts are generally disbursed equally among the semesters covered by the scholarship as long as recipients continue to meet grade point average, enrollment, and other scholarship criteria.

Professional Development and Signature Experience Requirements

Career Compass: Professional Development Requirement

All undergraduate students in the Alvarez College of Business must successfully complete Career Compass, a professional development requirement, as a condition of graduation. The professional development requirement will focus on career-readiness skills to provide students with a competitive edge in the job market by connecting academic learning, industry knowledge, and career competencies that employers are seeking from graduates in the ever-changing global workforce. 

Signature Experiential Learning Requirement

All undergraduate students in the Alvarez College of Business are required to successfully complete an approved signature experience as a condition of graduation. The signature experience is designed to enhance a student's degree program by providing real-world experience to develop marketable skills that employers are seeking from graduates. These high-impact experiential learning opportunities can be gained inside or outside of the classroom and may include, but are not limited to, activities focused on leadership, research, internships, study abroad, innovation and entrepreneurship, community engagement, projects, and more. 

Business Honors Program

The Business Honors Program (BHP) provides outstanding students with opportunities to benefit from an enriched first-class education. The program is designed to give our students a competitive edge in the job market or prepare students for graduate education. Business Honors students will participate in the Honors College along with the Business Honors Program. The Business Honors distinction is available only to students who meet the Business Honors Program requirements. 

Program Admission

Students interested in admission to the Business Honors Program must be invited to join the Honors College. Admission information is available through the UTSA Honors College website.

Program Requirements

The Business Honors Program requires its members to meet academic, co-curricular programming, and experiential learning requirements in order to graduate with the Business Honors designation. In order to earn the Business Honors designation, program participants must:

  1. Complete a minimum of 9 semester credit hours of designated Business Honors sections. Business Honors classes emphasize enhanced experiential and applied learning activities, class discussions, presentations, and business research.
  2. Professional & Experiential Learning Requirements: The Business Honors Program promotes participation in activities outside of the classroom to enhance the undergraduate experience. Therefore, Business Honors Program students must demonstrate that they have participated in professional development and experiential learning activities during their undergraduate education. The requirements will be provided in the Honors Program Handbook. Other program requirements may apply.

Pre-PhD Program

The Pre-Ph.D. Pathway / Research Track Option will provide students with experience and training in the research necessary to make them competitive candidates for doctoral or other graduate programs in traditional business areas (e.g., accounting, finance, management, marketing, information systems), economics, and nascent areas, such as applied statistics and cyber security, to name a few. It will cultivate students' interest in pursuing a doctoral education and will position them to be successful applicants for doctoral or other graduate programs. The program responds to labor market demands, suggesting an expanding need for business, economics, applied statistics, and cyber security professors and researchers, particularly those from under-represented minority (URM) groups. The program is open to all undergraduate students.

Participants are expected to take a series of three courses intended to equip them with the basic tools to conduct academic research, including, but not limited to, identifying original research questions, developing hypotheses, generating samples, creating datasets, utilizing statistical tools to test hypotheses, and reporting. Most students are expected to take the following course series:

GBA 3013Introduction to Academic Research3
And either:
GBA 4023Conducting Cutting Edge and Innovative Research and Discovery3
GBA 4033Communication and Visualization of Impactful Research3
GBA 4993Honors Thesis (repeated)6

Students with backgrounds that are more technical, whose interests reside in areas that require specialized training (e.g., applied statistics, cyber security, or economics), or those pursuing an honors thesis option, will have the opportunity (upon advisor approval) to take the honors thesis or different courses that fit their needs.

Pre-Ph.D. Pathway / Research Track Option students will also have the opportunity to receive mentoring from faculty, present at research conferences, and attend workshops that prepare students for doctoral and other graduate programs (e.g., how to write a strong personal statement, how to select a graduate program, important things to know about graduate education, what is it like to be a college professor), and write research papers for journal publication.   

The undergraduate course sequence cannot be transferred nor counted towards the completion of curriculum requirements for a graduate degree program or graduate certificate.       

Admission Requirements

The Pre-Ph.D. Pathway / Research Track Option is open to all UTSA undergraduate students, regardless of their college or major. To join the Pre-Ph.D Pathway / Research Track Option, current UTSA students should contact the Alvarez College of Business Research Office by email at gradbiz@utsa.edu or by telephone at (210) 458-7301. Admission questions should be directed to the Alvarez College of Business Research Office.

Accelerated Master of Science in Data Analytics

The Alvarez College of Business (ACOB) offers an Accelerated Data Analytics Program tailored to UTSA students with exceptional motivation and qualifications. Designed to facilitate a seamless transition into a master’s program and provide an expedited admission process, this program allows participants to initiate their graduate studies as early as the senior year of their undergraduate education.

The benefit of the accelerated program is it allows students to complete some graduate courses while still earning their undergraduate degree. In addition, students have the potential to reduce their time until graduation (e.g., students can start completing their graduate-level coursework during their senior year) and save money (e.g., students are not charged an application fee and potentially could double count one course), and creates an easier transition into graduate school (i.e., a known admission into graduate school while in their undergraduate education and a constant connection with the UTSA faculty and staff).

Program Admission Requirements

Applications to the Accelerated Program in Data Analytics must meet the following criteria1: 1) a current UTSA student, 2) completion of 90 semester credit hours in the semester of application, 3) a minimum grade point average of 3.0, and 4) earn a bachelor’s degree in a relevant STEM or business domains. Applicants must apply online2 for the Accelerated Program in Data Analytics and will be provided additional information upon receipt of their submission.

This program is tailored to cater to the following individuals:

  • UTSA students interested in enhancing their undergraduate education in business or STEM fields and gaining expertise in Data Analytics via a Master's degree. After appropriate consultation and approval from the program advisor, these students could replace some of the required Master of Science (M.S.) in Data Analytics courses with graduate electives. This would remove unnecessary course repetition and allow students to customize the program to better serve their professional needs

Degree Requirements

Bachelor's Degree Requirement

Students accepted into the Accelerated Program in Data Analytics are required to complete all the degree requirements associated with their bachelor's degree.

M.S. Degree Requirement

Students accepted into the Accelerated Program in Data Analytics are required to complete the standard degree requirement of the M.S. in Data Analytics as outlined in the Graduate Catalog.

Bachelor's/M.S. Classification

Upon acceptance into the Accelerated Program in Data Analytics, students are granted permission to enroll in graduate-level courses while still classified as undergraduates. Upon completing their bachelor's degree, students will receive a Keep Running with Us (KRWU) application to transition from undergraduate to graduate student status.


These are the minimum criteria to be accepted into the Accelerated Program in Data Analytics. After completing the online survey, a Data Analytics faculty member will meet with each student to discuss their degree plan and the required expectations to be accepted into the Accelerated Program in Data Analytics.


Completing the survey is the first of two steps of the application process for the Accelerated Program in Data Analytics. It connects students who are interested in the program with Data Analytics faculty members, offers details about it and the second step of the application process, fosters mentoring connections with Data Analytics faculty members, and ultimately compiles a roster of students eligible for automatic admission into the M.S. in Data Analytics program through KRWU.

Minor in Business Administration

The Minor in Business Administration is open to all University majors (including B.A. in Economics, B.S. in Applied Cyber Analytics, and B.S. in Statistics and Data Science), except business students seeking a B.B.A. degree. The following 18 semester credit hours are required in the Carlos Alvarez College of Business:

A. Required Courses
ACC 2003Foundations of Accounting3
or ACC 2013 Principles of Accounting I
ECO 2023Introductory Microeconomics3
or ECO 2013 Introductory Macroeconomics
FIN 3003Survey of Finance3
IS 1403Business Information Systems Fluency3
MGT 3013Introduction to Organization Theory, Behavior, and Management3
MKT 3013Principles of Marketing3
Total Credit Hours18

To declare a Minor in Business Administration, obtain advice and seek approval of substitutions for course requirements from your academic advisor.

General Business Administration (GBA) Courses

GBA 1000. Business Forum. (0-0) 0 Credit Hours.

Business Forum is a themed speaker series designed to look at current trends in business and hold discussions regarding issues facing companies. Guest speakers from various companies and organizations, as well as faculty members from various departments and specializations, share key developments in the business industry. Attendance at events may be required and are held in and around the UTSA campus and community. May be repeated. Must be taken on a credit/no-credit basis.

GBA 1010. Career Compass: Professional Development Program. (0-0) 0 Credit Hours.

A professional development program designed to provide business students with the opportunity to gain the knowledge, skills, and experiences to make them competitive in the job market. Through a series of engagement opportunities, students will be given the opportunity to enhance key marketable skills in areas like communication, leadership, and teamwork. Active participation will give students the opportunity to become proficient in the articulation of their skills and experiences with confidence. May be repeated. The grade report for this course is either satisfactory performance (CR) or unsatisfactory performance (NC).

GBA 1100. ACOB Signature Experience - Leadership. (0-0) 0 Credit Hours.

A semester-long opportunity for skill building and application such as self, social, and situational awareness. Students will identify and further develop a personal foundation of knowledge, skills, and attitudes related to leadership under the supervision of a faculty member or mentor. Includes a monitored self-reflection component. May be repeated.

GBA 1200. ACOB Signature Experience - Internship. (0-0) 0 Credit Hours.

An experiential learning internship opportunity in which students conduct supervised professional activities in an organization closely related to their field of study. Includes a monitored self-reflection component. May be repeated.

GBA 1300. ACOB Signature Experience - Research. (0-0) 0 Credit Hours.

Supervised research mentored by a faculty member or other supervisor engaged in active research in the student's field of study. Includes skill building and application such as asking questions, proposing hypotheses, designing studies, selecting methods, using the tools of science, gathering and analyzing data, discovering, investigating, and communicating findings. Includes a monitored self-reflection component. May be repeated.

GBA 1400. ACOB Signature Experience - Study Away. (0-0) 0 Credit Hours.

An international or other “away” from UTSA experiential opportunity that allows students to obtain valuable knowledge and skill building to include culturally diverse experiences. Includes a monitored self-reflection component. May be repeated.

GBA 1500. ACOB Signature Experience - Community Engagement. (0-0) 0 Credit Hours.

An experiential and meaningful community-based learning opportunity to enrich the learning experience and develop skills of civic engagement/social responsibility. Supervision by a faculty member or community partner. Includes a monitored self-reflection component. May be repeated.

GBA 1600. Career and Professional Learning Experiences. (0-0) 0 Credit Hours.

Experiential activities that allow students to develop, apply, and articulate career-ready competencies. Supervision by a professional staff, faculty, or employer, on or off campus, who will sign off on work. Includes at least 30 hours of interaction (on-site or remote within the semester) and a monitored self-reflection component. May be repeated.

GBA 1700. Creative, Innovative, and Entrepreneurial Projects. (0-0) 0 Credit Hours.

Application and articulation of concepts and skills on real-world projects. Supervision by a professional staff, faculty, or employer, on or off campus, who will sign off on work. Includes at least 30 hours of interaction (on-site or remote within the semester) and a monitored self-reflection component. May be repeated.

GBA 2013. Legal, Social and Ethical Issues in Business. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours. (TCCN = BUSI 1301)

A study of the legal, social, and ethical responsibilities of business organizations and of the people who work in those organizations. Generally offered: Fall, Spring, Summer. Course Fees: BISP $10; BTSI $15.41; DL01 $75; LRB1 $15.41.

GBA 3013. Introduction to Academic Research. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: Consent of the instructor. This course will introduce students to the nature and scope of research conducted in a variety of business disciplines. Students will participate in a broad review of business research literature. This course will also explore the nature of doctoral programs and careers in academe. Finally, this course will describe methods and approaches that students can take to prepare for admission into graduate programs of interest. This course has Differential Tuition.

GBA 3200. Business Service Learning Practicum. (0-0) 0 Credit Hours.

Students will conceptualize, plan, and participate in a team-based service-learning project. Course focuses on ethics, teamwork, and communication skills. This experience helps students apply their classroom learning to a work environment. May be repeated. Must be taken on a credit/no-credit basis. Differential Tuition: $126.

GBA 3943. Business Service Learning Practicum. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Students will conceptualize, plan, and participate in a team-based service-learning project. Course focuses on ethics, teamwork, and communication skills. This experience helps students apply their classroom learning to a work environment. Students will be required to submit course deliverables that demonstrate the application of knowledge and skills imparted through course activities as well as academic reflection. This course has Differential Tuition.

GBA 4023. Conducting Cutting Edge and Innovative Research and Discovery. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: GBA 3013, MS 3043, and consent of instructor. This course is the first in a two-part sequence providing students with practical knowledge, skills, and hands-on experience needed to conduct pragmatic and professional research in an application area of interest. Students will meet with their peers, if any, and the instructor, for the purpose of facilitating the research work. During this course, students will engage in the following steps of the research and knowledge discovery process: problem definition, question formulation, hypothesis development, methodological selection, preliminary analytics, analytical design, data acquisition, data preparation and pre-processing, visualization, and data analysis. This course has Differential Tuition.

GBA 4033. Communication and Visualization of Impactful Research. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: GBA 4023 and consent of instructor. This course is the second in a two-part sequence aiming to give students hands-on research experience in a pragmatic and professional manner. Students will continue and finish their major data analytics project, focusing on post hoc or auxiliary analysis and presentation of results portion of the process. The next steps will be detailed data analysis and feedback, conclusion drawing, report preparation and refinement, presentation preparation and final presentation. The course will culminate in a formal, completed report to the supporting organization, as well as to peers and professionals in the field. Students and mentoring faculty may consider submission to professional conference and/or additional publication or presentation venues to further enhance the research experience. This course has Differential Tuition.

GBA 4100. ACOB Signature Experience - Leadership. (0-0) 0 Credit Hours.

A semester-long opportunity for skill building and application such as self, social, and situational awareness. Students will identify and further develop a personal foundation of knowledge, skills, and attitudes related to leadership under the supervision of a faculty member or mentor. Includes a monitored self-reflection component. May be repeated.

GBA 4200. ACOB Signature Experience - Internship. (0-0) 0 Credit Hours.

An experiential learning internship opportunity in which students conduct supervised professional activities in an organization closely related to their field of study. Includes a monitored self-reflection component. May be repeated.

GBA 4300. ACOB Signature Experience - Research. (0-0) 0 Credit Hours.

Supervised research mentored by a faculty member or other supervisor engaged in active research in the student's field of study. Includes skill building and application such as asking questions, proposing hypotheses, designing studies, selecting methods, using the tools of science, gathering and analyzing data, discovering, investigating, and communicating findings. Includes a monitored self-reflection component. May be repeated.

GBA 4400. ACOB Signature Experience - Study Away. (0-0) 0 Credit Hours.

An international or other “away” from UTSA experiential opportunity that allows students to obtain valuable knowledge and skill building to include culturally diverse experiences. Includes a monitored self-reflection component. May be repeated.

GBA 4500. ACOB Signature Experience - Community Engagement. (0-0) 0 Credit Hours.

An experiential and meaningful community-based learning opportunity to enrich the learning experience and develop skills of civic engagement/social responsibility. Supervision by a faculty member or community partner. Includes a monitored self-reflection component. May be repeated.

GBA 4600. Career and Professional Learning Experiences. (0-0) 0 Credit Hours.

Experiential activities that allow students to develop, apply, and articulate career-ready competencies. Supervision by a professional staff, faculty, or employer, on or off campus, who will sign off on work. Includes at least 60 hours of interaction (on-site or remote within the semester) and a monitored self-reflection component. May be repeated.

GBA 4700. Creative, Innovative, and Entrepreneurial Projects. (0-0) 0 Credit Hours.

Application and articulation of concepts and skills on real-world projects. Supervision by a professional staff, faculty, or employer, on or off campus, who will sign off on work. Includes at least 60 hours of interaction (on-site or remote within the semester) and a monitored self-reflection component. May be repeated.

GBA 4873. Global Business Immersion I. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: Completion of 9 semester credit hours of Carlos Alvarez College of Business (ACOB) courses and official admission into the ACOB Business Immersion Program. This course provides students with first-hand experience into how business is conducted in the locations visited. The pre-departure activities provide students with an introduction to the local business climate and culture. The in-country activities include visits to local companies and workshops hosted by local professors. The post-immersion components engage students in reflection opportunities and applied project experiences. This course relies heavily on experiential components; as a result, attendance to all official course events is required. This course has Differential Tuition.

GBA 4883. Global Business Immersion II. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: Completion of 9 semester credit hours of Carlos Alvarez College of Business (ACOB) courses and official admission into the ACOB Business Immersion Program. This course provides students with first-hand experience into how business is conducted in the locations visited. The pre-departure activities provide students with an introduction to the local business climate and culture. The in-country activities include visits to local companies and workshops hosted by local professors. The post-immersion components engage students in reflection opportunities and applied project experiences. This course relies heavily on experiential components; as a result, attendance to all official course events is required. This course has Differential Tuition. Course Fee: BISP $10; BTSI $15.41; LRB1 $15.41.

GBA 4933. Business Global Internship. (0-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: Completion of 12 semester credit hours of Carlos Alvarez College of Business (ACOB) courses and official admission into the ACOB international internship program. An international internship offers students the opportunity to work and learn in a non-US environment. This global internship experience helps students apply their classroom teachings to a work environment. Students participating in this program will gain first-hand knowledge of the behaviors, customs, and norms of another culture and business practices. A proposal form must be completed and approved prior to registration. May be repeated for credit. This course has Differential Tuition.

GBA 4943. Business Professional Internship. (0-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: Completion of 15 semester credit hours of business courses. This for-credit internship experience provides hands-on learning for various business disciplines. This business internship experience helps students apply their classroom learning to a work environment. Students must meet all College academic credit internship requirements and an application form must be completed and approved prior to registration. This course has Differential Tuition.

GBA 4953. Special Studies in General Business Administration. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisites: Consent of instructor, Department Chair, and Dean of the College. An organized course offering the opportunity for specialized study not normally or not often available as part of the regular course offerings. Special Studies may be repeated for credit when the topics vary, but not more than 6 semester credit hours, regardless of discipline, will apply to a bachelor's degree. Generally offered: Spring, Summer. This course has Differential Tuition.

GBA 4993. Honors Thesis. (0-0) 3 Credit Hours.

Prerequisite: Enrollment limited to students in the Business Honors Program. Supervised research and preparation of an honors thesis in any business discipline including accounting, economics, finance, information systems, management, marketing, management science, and data sciences among others. May be repeated once for credit with advisor's approval. Generally offered: Fall, Spring. This course has Differential Tuition.