Instructional Leadership (ILR)
Instructional Leadership (ILR) Courses
ILR 7133. Introduction to Single-case Methodology. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: EDP 5503 or approval of the instructor.
The content of this course will examine questions appropriate for single-case research, data collection procedures, selection, implementation, analysis of research designs, and manuscript development/structure. (Same as SPE 7133. Credit cannot be earned for both ILR 7133 and SPE 7133.) Course Fees: GH01 $90; LRH1 $20.54; STSH $30.81.
ILR 7203. Leadership in Curriculum Development. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.
An examination of processes related to the facilitation and management of curricular innovation and delivery systems in varied educational settings including school systems, higher education, and other human service institutions. Course Fees: GH01 $90; LRH1 $20.54; STSH $30.81.
ILR 7643. Advanced Application of Research on Interdisciplinary Learning and Teaching. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in ILT 7733, or consent of instructor.
Design and development of interdisciplinary research studies including appropriate data collection and analysis methods. Participants conduct directed educational research. Course Fees: DL01 $75; GH01 $90; LRH1 $20.54; STSH $30.81.
ILR 7873. Survey Research Methods. (3-0) 3 Credit Hours.
Prerequisite: Introductory statistics course; or consent of instructor.
Exploration of survey research methodology, development of survey, questionnaire or inventory, including item construction. Discussion and application of sampling and data collection procedures. Coding data, piloting instrument and conducting reliability and validity of instrument. Conducting data analysis procedures using SPSS to respond to research question(s) will include application of descriptive and inferential statistics. Data analysis will include employing factor analysis as a data reduction technique and to determine underlying constructs measured by instrument. Course Fees: GH01 $75; LRH1 $20.54; STSH $30.81.